Thursday, April 1, 2010

SHOCK: Carcass of "Bigfoot"-Similar Creature Reportedly Found This Week Inside Dormant Oregon Volcano.

(Link below -- The above pic is the old alleged pic from the 70's). The alleged primate carcass was reportedly discovered by volcanologists who were conducting research inside Mount Hood. Apparently they have not yet released any photos (and I still won't believe all of this until I see a picture), but the researchers claim the carcass is that of a large man-like creature, over six-and-a-half feet tall, and covered with brownish/redish fur. They say the carcass was in the beginning stages of decomposition when they found it, and they speculate that the creature must have fallen into the volcano from above since no other access to Mount Hood's interior is known. "We think this may be the most significant biological discovery in at least 100 years," one of the researchers is quoted as saying. A 2:00 p.m. (PST) press conference has reportedly been scheduled by the researchers. (Hopefully, one or more of the national news networks will pick this presser up, IF it actually even occurs.)

So Wow! (?) I believed in Bigfoots (or is it, Bigfeet?) when I was a kid and was always afraid I'd run across one. However, as an adult, I have come to the viewpoint that people who believe in and search for Bigfoots are wackos. Perhaps they are about to prove me wrong (but SHOW ME A PIC OR A BODY FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!) -- we'll see...