Saturday, May 29, 2010

Arkansas Dem Senator Blanche Lincoln "Besieged on All Sides": She's the Next Prominent Partisan Politician Who Should Turn Independent.

As reported in today's (story link at bottom), labor unions, and others on the far left "progressive" extreme of things are beating up democrat Lincoln for not being leftist enough (e.g., her opposition to a public option in Obama & The Dems' health care monstrosity -- a bill for which she ultimately voted in favor under intense political pressure) . Meantime, the right-wingers (including right-wing democrats, which they actually have in the Arkansas political culture) are pounding Lincoln for voting with the Senate dems too often.

As Politico reports: "She barely edged Lt. Gov. Bill Halter in the May 18 [dem] primary, falling well short of the 50 percent threshold needed to avoid [a] June 8 run-off, and is now slipping in the polls and being outspent by her opponent and his labor allies." Doesn't this sound all too familiar? It's very similar to the situation Charlie Crist faced in his Florida Senate run immediately before he turned from republican to Independent. And turning Independent is precisely the move that Lincoln should seriously consider. Her far left-controlled party does not want her, and the republicans certainly would not welcome her.

Hey Blanche: You should at least consider it. (Heck, think about it as you watch tomorrow night's season finale of "What Chilli Wants" on VH1.) Even if you turn Independent and ultimately lose, at least you will have done so without being saddled by the need to kiss the behind of a loony far left with whom you are obviously not very comfortable. And you would still maintain the freedom to blast the assorted craziness of the deranged right-wingers amongst both the dem and repub parties in Arkansas. In short, you wouldn't be beholden to anyone or anything except for your own conscience and the best interests of the people of Arkansas. Not a bad spot, if you ask me.