Friday, March 5, 2010

Mickey Rourke: "I Slept With 14 Women ---
All in the Same Night!"

I can only guess that Rourke's lifetime achievements must not quite stack up with the recent revelation that Warren Beatty allegedly bedded almost 13,000 women over a 35-year-period, and thus Rourke found it necessary to brag up his single night record rather than his career totals. By the way, if you actually found the time and energy to sleep with 14 women in the same night, wouldn't you start to lose the precise count after awhile? That's what makes the 14 figure seem a little bit "fishy" to me (and it has nothing to do with health care or the ocean). A bit more credible would have been a claim that "I bedded over 10 ladies one night" or "I slept with around a dozen gals one evening." But what do I know. Maybe dude has one of those photographic memories.