Thursday, November 26, 2009

We Need a New War Tax! How Otherwise Are We Going To Pay for This War, Dems Ask!

Well, let's see, they might start by putting the kibosh on all of these ultra-liberal, massive expansions of the federal government such as the public option health care bill, and the Cap'n Trade, and the proposed 2nd Stimulus. And they might also have thought about making the first stimulus a serious stimulus, rather than one mostly laiden with pork and having no connection whatsoever to stimulating the economy. They might just start in those places. Is THIS the reason why Obama has waited 3 months to reach a decision on the military's plea for more troops in Afghanistan, i.e. has he been waiting until he gets some leftist dems to call for more new taxes right before he announces that he will send more troops there? Sorry, folks, but the level of insanity I see from this dem party, without one ounce of leadership or common sense, very much reminds me of the W Years. As I've often said, hardly change we can believe in, just more of the same.