Thursday, June 11, 2009

Picture, Transcript has now been released from His Majesty's most recent telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Transcript -- His Majesty: "So Benny. How you doin’, man! I’m just sittin’ here, kickin’ back in the ole Oval Office. I’m about to light up a fag, as I think they say in your country. No wait, that’s Gordo – sorry, man – my bad – wrong prime minister. So anyway, Benny, what’s happenin’, what’s shakin’, what gives, man? So Benny, dude, ever thought about ditchin’ the old PM thing and becoming a Monarch? You oughta try it out a few months – it rocks, just like my main gal, Hillary, especially now that I got her officially on the backburner. But yeah, I was just telling Gordo the same $hit the other day about turning himself into a King, but Gordo said they already gotta a monarch over there. Now, I gotta say, Benny, I’ve only got a few minutes over here – my main man Hugo’s supposed to be shootin’ me some texts here pretty soon. Huey's startin’ this crazy-a$$ government-run cell phone industry down there, and he’s just itchin’ to try it out. Yeah, the government runs the cell phone business and gives out free phones to all the subjects. If this $hit works out good down there for Big Huey, then maybe we’re on to something here. I mean, I got Nancy and Harry down there on the Hill, and they’d take over the portable $hithouse industry if I so much as snap my royal fingers at ‘em. What’s that you say? Iran ??? What you talkin' 'bout, man? Dude, I’m gonna have to talk back at ya on that one – I really need a drag, and I think I just heard Big Huey givin’ me a shout out on my royal blackberry. Damn, man, and I didn’t even get a chance to talk to you ‘bout Beni Hana – I wanted to see if you’re related to that dude. I love that man’s joint when I don’t have time to wait on a damn cheeseburger. Anyhoos, I so gotta run, Benny – talk to ya, babe."