Friday, June 19, 2009

Loony left at it again: If you dare to disagree with them on any issue, they will come after you with all of their resources.

Today we have radical far left outfit actually taking out radio ads against a DEMOCRAT, Lousiana Senator Mary Landrieu, for having the nerve to disagree with His Majesty concerning Majesty's health care reform proposal. Just like I was talking about in the blog post immediately below, these nuts on both extremes will attack you with everything they have -- and even eat their own -- if you voice so much as any disagreement whatsoever with one of their tenets or with one of their most highly annointed leaders. As to the far-left, the only person in the country allowed to stray from the reservation a bit is His Majesty himself (see, e.g., the far left largely running for the hills on issues like Afghanistan and Majesty's opposition to gay marriage), but even he's not completely immune (again, see today's earlier post below).

I've observed that this practice of the two extremes always takes one of two paths. First, the two extremes sometimes try to label anyone disagreeing with them as simply inhabitating the opposite extreme. This is what we saw with the Tea Parties: Although such events had a huge turnout of non-liberals, non-conservatives, Independents, and even some democrats, the far left national media tried to paint the events as the folly of tens of thousands of radical right-wing extremists. This first approach is also a favorite of Rush Slimebaugh, just to give an example on the other side.

Second, and alternatively, the two extremes -- if they know that trying to paint the dissenter as a radical on the other side is unlikely to work -- will instead try to brand the person as a type of creature that they hate almost as much or more as the opposite extreme -- the so-called mealy-mouthed "moderate." That's the strategy employed for people like Landrieu and Joe Lieberman. And nevermind that neither one of those two politicians is anywhere close to the center if you consider all of their positions in their entirety. But that doesn't matter to the two extremes. Rather, it only matters that you had the nerve to disagree with them on an issue or two. Once you've done that, you're going to get the full #1 treatment or the full #2 with all of the resources these two extremes have to pour into it (which is typically almost limitless).

As expressed earlier today, our political system is simply broken. Most of us aren't represented by much of anyone, and those that might actually strive to represent us a little bit get villified and demonized by the two extremes. It's a rather pathetic state of affairs, and I guess all I can do is to just keep talking about it as loudly and often as I can. Which I will.