Friday, June 5, 2009

I LOVE FREEBIES! Just like Senator Cleanface.

I'm at a conference today with a row of vendor displays and as many freebies as I can load up (more gum, miniature chocolates, coffee mugs, and bouncy balls than one could ever want). This is one of my favorite parts of these conferences. And it got me thinking about Harry Reid (whom I do not like, although I recently defended him in this space against out-of-Nevada efforts by far right interest groups to affect his next election) and Dick Smothers' Senator Cleanface character from the movie Casino -- such character is supposedly based on Reid. In the movie, Senator Cleanface is depicted as LOVIN' his freebies, although on a much grander scale that anything that will ever be offered to me. He was takin' in free ("comped") dinners, hotel rooms and show girls like there was no today, let alone tomorrow! I've always said I'm not really the "politician type," and therefore would never run for any office -- but maybe I need to re-think that. Or at least move to Las Vegas.