Friday, May 15, 2009

You wonder why I'm angry?

You wonder why I call Obama His Majesty? You wonder why I laugh at his catch-phrase, "Change We Can Believe In"?

Pelosi is caught in an obvious case of not telling the whole truth -- an obvious case of trumpeting a highly misleading statement over and over for weeks ("I was never briefed that the CIA was using waterboarding"), and His Majesty's White House -- just like every other one during my life -- can't give an honest answer to that question for purely B.S. political reasons. His Majesty is not change we can believe in. He is more of the same, more the same sliminess that I've basically watched up there for my entire life. More of the same sort of clown who does not represent me nor 60-65% of this country. Add to that the fact that His Majesty REALLY doesn't care for folks like me, from towns of 9000, and you have a man whom I will call His Majesty, and keep an eye on, and criticize as I see fit until the cows come home. But don't worry Slimebaugh and all you far right conservative freaks -- I gotta a lotta more for you too, boys!