This dude is like a complete cartoon character -- a dufus, a flunkey, a lackey, a sidekick, much like Danny Stinkscale to #1 D-Bag KEITZ! on 810 radio in KC -- he takes his orders from the Ayatollah. Did anyone notice in the last month (I don't have a link readily at hand, sorry) when Ahmadinejad got dressed down by the Ayatollah for firing some bureacrat whom the Ayatollah didn't want fired? I mean, Persia is a completely backward state, with several centers of power, and I would be surprised to ever see them act together in any kind of decisive fashion to suddenly pose a serious world threat. Not to mention, there is a very strong "moderate" influence in Iran that is a constant check on the radicals. We were told 'round 2003 that they are a part of this "Axis of Evil", along with Iraq and North Korea, and I have to say that's when "W!" totally lost me (I didn't vote for him (or Gore) in 2000), but I at least was willing to give him a chance). I can recall thinking, WTF are you thinking about with that speech, "W!" -- it was very clear right at that moment and from the pundits afterward that we were going to invade Iraq for any good or bad reason that we could find. Bad memories.