Sunday, April 19, 2009

"W" & Obama -- two peas in the same extremist pod!

I posted this earlier on a political message board, but it really just occurred to me today: W was very dangerous (and I'm very glad he's gone) because he had the power to foist his far right and neo-con world views and dishonest rationales all over our foreign policy. Obama, in contrast, is MUCH more dangerous, because there are no such limits on his power. His far left vision and world view is not only free to run wild in foreign policy (although, strangely, he seems to have many elements of just continuing and escalating the W neo-con strategy in places like Afghanistan), but also free to run wild all over the non-liberal, non-conservative majority of this country in DOMESTIC policy. Recall that W had NO POWER on that front, not with the makeup of Congress and with, in all frankness, how much of a general idiot the man was. But Obama has all the power, to disregard the plain language of the constitution, as the winds are blowing, and to open up federal government files on people like me who happen to disagree with him. It's a very trying time right now to be an American, even more than the last 38 years (given the clowns they've sent into the oval office my entire life), but oh well, let's just keep survivin', right folks!

See also: