Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Now For Your Long-Range Forecast:
Hard Time in the Pokey? Weather Babe in the Big Apple Faces Rainy Outlook After Allegedly Fabricating Rape Story.

Her name is Heidi Jones, and she's a weather gal on WABC/Channel 7 in New York City. You may have also seen her on Good Morning America, where she's been a fill-in weather chick. But her skies have darkened now that cops have busted her for "perpetrating the ultimate snow job" -- giving police an allegedly false account of being the victim of an attempted rape (link to full New York Post story at bottom).

Heidi likes to jog. She runs in marathons, even sometimes broadcasting live while she runs them. So it would come as no surprise that she would be jogging in Manhattan's Central Park one afternoon in September. But the rest of her story reportedly "proved to be as unreliable as a five-day forecast."

She told cops that on that occasion, an Hispanic man grabbed her, dragged her into the woods and tried to rape her, only to have the rape thwarted by two mysterious passers-by (the ghosts of John Lennon & Babe Ruth, perhaps?). (BTW, nice of her to throw in the Hispanic angle -- after all, white dudes never commit rape, right?).

Heidi also told cops that the same Hispanic mystery man "somehow found her again" two months later and continued his harassment ("I know you went to police," she quoted the enigmatic hoodlum as saying). But the entire story was "all wet," reports The Post.

One issue was the fact that Heidi didn't report any of this until late November -- two months after the initial alleged attack in the park. It probably also didn't help that on the day of the second alleged incident, Heidi hit Twitter with the following happy tweet: "Here is ur turkey day forecast! Gobble gobble!"

After cops investigated her story and starting confronting her with inconsistencies, Heidi reportedly folded like a K-Mart deck chair in a summer typhoon. The Post reports that she admitted to cops that she concocted the whole sorry story, blaming the tall tale on her personal "plea for sympathy" following some mysterious, unspecified "setback" in her personal life.

But even that excuse may not fly much higher than a low-level stratus cloud: The Post reports that Heidi's myriad public posts on Facebook and Twitter "have been bright and sunny for weeks." Put another way: Setback-schmetback.

At the moment, Heidi is charged with filing a false report and could face up to a year in the joint. WABC has suspended her as a reported first step towards giving her the axe. And I'd assume that the GMA gig has also been swept away faster than a Mississippi $hithouse in a 500-year flood.

But at least Heidi was accurate on one part of her dismal forecast: On the day the cops slapped the ol' cuffs on her, she posted the following on Facebook: "You guys ready for the arctic chill? Ready or Not . . . Be careful!"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"It's Real, Damn You!" Man Allegedly Fires Squirrel at Hardees Drive-Thru Gal After Ordering "Extra Nuts" Instead of Thickburger for His Furry Friend.

America's drive-thrus are out of control! Last week (as detailed in this space) it was some teenager in Cali allegedly tossing a scalding plate of food back through a drive-thru window, and this week it's 26-year-old Chris Thompson (pictured on left) allegedly heaving a dead squirrel at an Illinois Hardees drive-thru employee who questioned whether the rodent was real (link to full story at bottom). I guess some people really take it personally if you question the reality of their favorite pet.

In a case that cops have labeled as "Male Threw Dead Animal Through Drive Thru Window," cops say that Thompson was introduced to his little deceased pal when a friend put the squirrel on the dash of Thompson's car as a "prank." Apparently taking a real liking to the creature, Thompson took to driving around with it.

Then he hit the Hardees drive-thru for some "grub" and tried to introduce the animal to drive-thru gal Deborah Roberts. She says that Thompson "began to pet the squirrel and make it talk to the female employees" inside the Hardees. How Thompson "made it talk" is not revealed in the story, but my assumption (absent some buddy in the backseat throwing his voice) is that Thompson was working some sort of lame-ass ventriloquist act.

Next Thompson reportedly tried to place an order of "extra nuts for his squirrel" while continuing to pet the deceased critter. And that's when all hell broke loose! The drive-thru lady -- not believing that everything in this picture was on the up and up (squirrels typically don't speak English, after all) -- starting giving a Thompson a big hassle over whether the squirrel was real.

At that, Thompson apparently flipped his lid. "Yes it is real!", he barked at the drive-thru lady and then proceeded to fire the animal's corpse through the drive-thru window right at the woman. Thompson's now been charged with disorderly conduct. The local police chief is quoted as saying that his department takes "incidents like this seriously" and that "such behavior would not be condoned" in his town.

However, Thompson is not without a defense (of course!). He says he thought the drive-thru window would automatically close if something was thrown at it and would "not allow the squirrel to enter the business." Put another, I guess, he's saying he only intended the dead animal to bounce off the drive-thru window and land on the pavement below (where it would welcome subsequent drive-thru patrons). Nothing "disorderly" about that!

As for the squirrel, a customer inside the restaurant (why not an employee?!?) reportedly went "beyond the call of duty, removed the animal and placed it in the snow outside the eatery" (as pictured above). That's where cops found it and snapped some photos for evidence. No word on whether or not cops bothered to give the animal a proper Christian burial after taking their pictures. Poor squirrel.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Michelle Obama to American Kids: You Need to Eat Better So That You'll Be Healthy Enough to Go Fight in Wars!

Appearing today to speak in favor of the "Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010" -- under which the federal government will regulate school lunches -- Michelle Obama spouted these rather mindless words concerning the alleged necessity of improving the diets of American children:

“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight. Childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well."

Gee, that's funny! I didn't realize we had returned to the Vietnam War era, complete with a military draft, and in which the federal government felt it necessary for most American men to be ready to go fight somewhere. I had thought that our volunteer military was staffed just fine these days? But I guess not. Instead, we need the federal government to whip our kids' diets into shape because they may just be needed for military induction and fighting sometime soon!

BTW, can you imagine if anyone other than a liberal democrat had uttered such moronic blather -- calling kids' diets a "national security" issue? Because after all, military bravado and waging wars are just fine with the far left and the American mainstream media just so long as a democrat is president at the time, right!

Oh, and just for good measure, Michelle says today that it's also necessary for the federal government to control school lunches because "we can't just leave it up to the parents" to look out for the diets of their children. Well, Ms. Obama, the Hell We Can't! It is the job of parents to feed their kids at home and -- if the parents have a problem with what's being served at school -- to provide their kids with a different lunch to bring. This is most certainly not a proper area for more overbearing federal government intrusion and regulation.

At the end of the day, this is all just more classic liberalism from the Obamas and their 20-percenter party. They know what's best for us. They will take care of us. We are stupid. The federal government is smart. We need only keep our mouths shut, bend over, and take their infinite wisdom right up our keysters. Well, I say, as always, nuts to that leftist shit!

"WHOOPS! Saw-Reee!" The Top 10 Excuses the Jets' Assistant Coach Should Have Given for Tripping That Dolphins Player Instead of Apologizing...

You've probably already seen or heard about it last night or today: New York Jets assistant coach Sal Alosi sticking his leg out and intentionally tripping Miami Dolphins' player Nolan Carroll as Carroll tried to cover a punt. Alosi has already come out and admitted what he did and has tried to profusely apologize (link to story at bottom). But it struck me: Why did he necessarily have to go down that road so quickly following the incident?

After all, the first rule of the thug, slimeball and/or politician (same difference between the three?) is never admit anything to anybody -- you don't know nothin' and it's always someone else's fault. Hell, even without denying the incident, Alosi could have at least tried to put some political spin on the entire situation as if he was some sort of democrat or republican. For example, here are ten types of excuses and/or spins that Alosi could have utilized in lieu of a boring old admission and apology:

10. "I just had a knee-jerk reaction to the play, literally. It could have happened to anyone."

9. "Hey, I'm no Woody Hayes. I never laid a hand on the kid!"

8. "Carroll insulted my mama. No one does that. No one!"

7. "Hey, this is football. It ain't tiddlywinks."

6. "The ref didn't flag me. Therefore, it never really happened."

5. "I only thought tripping was illegal in football if a player did it?!"

4. "I've been a very angry person lately for Obama compromising with hostage-takers."

3. "I was just trying to bait Channing Crowder into saying he'd break my leg so that he would be the one to get in trouble."

2. "I think I may have Turrets syndrome."

1. "That video's being taken out of context."

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Devil Went Down to Pennsylvania Avenue: How About Ol' Slick Willie Holding Court at the White House, Showing Obama How It's Done!

On Friday, we saw the truly bizarre scene of Barack Obama introducing former president Bill Clinton in front of the White House press corps to defend the Obama/GOP tax deal, since apparently Obama is unwilling or unable to carry to water all by himself. But the truly odd aspect of the whole spectacle was Obama citing to some lame excuse about "keeping Michelle waiting" and then leaving the room. Clinton stayed and carried on with reporters for a half an hour as if he had never left the White House (link to full story at bottom).

This scene for me immediately conjured up recollections of the lyrics of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" by the Charlie Daniels Band: When Obama finished, Willie said, "Well you're pretty good ol' son -- but sit down in that chair right there, and let me show you how it's done." And that's exactly what Clinton did.

Clinton's half-hour in front of the press, and the ease with which he handled it, harkened back to his presidency. I don't particularly like Clinton, and I think he's a slimeball. But make no mistake: He's one of the very most skilled politicians of my lifetime -- equally at home off-prompter as on.

As a politician, Clinton makes Obama look like a 3-year-old on the first day of preschool. Obama is not particularly skilled on his feet, and he's only good on-prompter when he's actually engaged and interested in speaking (which is only a minority of the time). Far from the "most skilled orator in generations" (as the democrat party tried to make him out a few years ago), Obama instead could use to take some (OK, a lot of) notes on the Slick Willie.

Worse yet for Obama is the complete awkwardness of abruptly exiting stage right and leaving an ex-president to defend, on his own, Obama's tax deal! It was a telling moment, completely typifying the weak leadership skills that we've seen from Obama since Day 1. Obama ran a great and flawless presidential campaign, but (and totally regardless of what you think about his politics) he's been a bumbling, stumbling wreck of a president ever since.

Final note: You may have noticed that I've paid scant attention in this space to the Obama/GOP tax compromise story. That's because (1) it's boring on the whole, (2) it's likely going to be an ongoing saga until the end of the month, and (3) it represents just more of the same "business as usual in DC" from both parties. I'm in favor of extending the Bush tax cuts for all Americans, since even most left-wing economists would agree that you don't raise taxes on anyone in the middle of a bad recession. Taking up the issue again in two years would be fine with me.

But I can't support the current compromise for a different reason -- all of the pork, earmarks and spending that the democrats have tossed in, with the republicans apparently all too willing to accept. Like I said, business as usual in DC. I'm already starting to look forward to 2012, when we Independents can issue a fresh set of pink slip to the slimy politicians of both parties.

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Fire in the Hole"? What Happened to a Pie or Grapefruit in the Face? Teen Goofus Busted After Rotten Prank Scalds Drive-Thru Worker Right in the Mush

The recent alleged actions of a 17-year-old in Roseville, California might not quite qualify him for "Public Enemy" status, but at least Jimmy Cagney only pounded that dame with a grapefruit. (Link to full story at bottom). Police say the kid was pulling a prank that some dumbass teens call "Fire in the Hole" -- a moniker supposedly inspired by the phrase that soldiers scream when they're about to detonate a grenade or other explosive in an enclosed space.

The prank involves teens videotaping themselves (since what good is it if you don't catch it on tape, right?) tossing food or beverages at drive-thru employees. But in this case, it was "a prank gone wrong" (to say the very least), and it could land the teen in a different kind of "hole" -- the one at the local hoosegow, that is.

Police say the teen and three other utes pulled into the drive-thru at a Boston Market restaurant with more on their mind than just the chicken pot pie. Having apparently received his order, the teen (after presumably yelling "Fire in the Hole") fired a plate of "creamed spinach" back at the 21-year-old drive-thru worker, nailing him right in the kisser. (Truth be told, the worker's first clue that something was amiss should have been when a teenager voluntarily ordered "creamed spinach" in the first place).

Apparently, as well, Boston Market serves up their creamed spinach pipin' hot, because the worker suffered second-degree burns on his noodle and had to be treated "for serious face and neck burns." Now the teen's been arrested and charged with "battery causing great bodily harm," and his running mates may face charges too.

The linked story doesn't say whether the battery charge is a felony or a misdemeanor, but I would assume it could potentially entail some time in the can for the teen. And with good reason (if he's the actual perp). I could see an ounce of humor in this if he had merely fired off a soda or a pie (or a grapefruit for that matter) at the worker, but tossing something that's scalding hot is simply no laughing matter. Not when possible time in the juvy is the only punch line.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Get This Bus Moving, "Bitch"!
Female Passenger Allegedly Goes Berzerk on New York City Bus Driver for Slow Pokin'.

It's the case of the back seat driver gone bananas. Cops in the Big Apple say that 25-year-old Alicea Diaz (pictured on the left) didn't like the "pokey snail's pace" at which 60-year-old Jacqueline Benjamin drove the city bus and the "mind-numbing rides" that resulted. Diaz alleges that Benjamin drove the bus at five miles per hour and was "always making me late for work." And Diaz wasn't gonna take it any longer! That's when the attack began (allegedly) (link to full story at bottom).

The incident allegedly started with a little verbal harangue. "I'm tired of you, bitch. You're always making me late for work!," Diaz allegedly shouted at Benjamin. Then things reportedly got physical, with Diaz allegedly clocking Benjamin right in the face "with a closed fist" (it would have been a legal blow if she'd just kept it open-handed). For good measure, Diaz then allegedly "unleashed a hail of blows" upon the person of the much older bus driver.

Once through with her alleged attack, Diaz -- sporting a Bill Belichick-like hoodie -- apparently settled down a bit and tried to go ahead and get off the bus at her regular stop. But bus driver Benjamin was reportedly having none of that, restraining Diaz by her hoodie until the cops could arrive (damn pesky superfluous hoods). Diaz now faces criminal charges that include assault and "menacing." And she could face hard time in the hoosegow, since attacking a Big Apple bus driver is a felony.

But Diaz is already working on her defense. She claims she gave Benjamin the beatdown only in "self-defense." Diaz says the friction started when she complained about Benjamin not helping a wheelchair passenger. Diaz says that Benjamin then drove the bus really slow to retaliate. Then, upon reaching Diaz's stop, Diaz says the bus driver called her a "dumb ho" and grabbed her hoodie, naturally giving Diaz little choice but to beat the living hell out of the bus driver.

But something tells me that story may not fly so well -- not with the three witnesses who back up the bus driver's account, leastways. Methinks Diaz may also need to work up some variation of the ol' "feathers" defense that's being utilized (as recently documented in this space) by the airline that allegedly served a lizard to a passenger for dinner. Nothing like a good Plan B, after all.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rock Legend & Pop Culture Icon John Lennon Assassinated 30 Years Ago Today.

Lennon lived in New York City and often walked its streets. He never had an entourage or bodyguards, and he became quite adept at graciously dealing with the inevitable members of the public who would approach him to talk or to seek an autograph. Once such person was Mark David Chapman, for whom Lennon once signed an autograph outside Lennon's apartment building. It was that same Chapman who turned out to be a maniac and who murdered Lennon in cold blood outside that apartment building on this date in 1980 (link to full story at bottom).

In the years prior to 1980, Lennon had been very much out of the limelight as he stayed home to raise his young son. But in 1980, he had returned to his music, and his wonderful artistic creativity was once again flowing like never before. All of that was cut short by one crazed and cowardly slimeball with a gun. I have little doubt that Lennon, if still alive, would still be putting out relevant, thoughtful and memorable music to this very day.

Thinking back today over Lennon's body of work, here's a list of ten of my favorite Lennon songs from various points in his career (alphabetized and not ranked) -- somehow, Revolution 9 didn't quite make the list:

1. A Day in the Life
2. Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)
3. I Am the Walrus
4. I'm Only Sleeping
5. In My Life
6. (Just Like) Starting Over
7. Nobody Told Me
8. Revolution
9. #9 Dream
10. Strawberry Fields Forever

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Report: Kate Gosselin Really Hits It Off With Palin Hubbie Todd, Wants a Man Like Him Who Keeps His Damn Mouth Shut & Bows to the Lady's Every Wish.

Big surprise: Kate Gosselin and Sarah Palin -- who are about to appear together on Palin's reality show Sarah Palin's Alaska -- don't get along. As discussed in my right sidebar column this week, Kate & Her 8 and the Palin clan embarked upon a camping trip that saw Kate constantly complaining and finally almost losing it when Sarah slipped Kate a moose-meat hot dog (you just can't make this stuff up) -- the proverbial "final straw." From today (link at bottom):

"Kate and Sarah didn't get along very well, given that both are kind of alpha females that demand authority and, let's face it, attention."

But Kate and Palin hubbie Todd reportedly got along only too well, according to a source quoted by Popeater:

"Kate and Todd Palin got along extremely well. Todd would be the perfect man for Kate. He does exactly what he's told, is happy to stay home and look after the kids and is perfectly happy staying out of the spotlight. He's the opposite of Kate's ex-husband Jon and it doesn't hurt that he's very good looking."

And apparently the feeling's mutual. "Todd adores her," the source tells Popeater. So I wonder if they'll be staying in touch? For the meantime, Kate is reportedly "now on the hunt for someone similar to Todd."

But what if she can't find a Todd clone? Might she have to go back and look up the real thing? This thing has Kate/Sarah cat fight written all over it. Maybe Kate and Elisabeth Hasselbeck could go in cahoots to double team Palin -- an evening with Todd on the line.

The person I feel sorry for in this whole oddball equation: Todd himself. Being thought of as little more than a steer in the barn -- the man in the glass box with directions reading, "break in case of spousal public appearance becoming necessary." And if he ever dares to open his mouth, he's liable to get a load of buckshot in his ass. But I guess every Mama Grizzly's gotta have her Papa Gelding, no?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Barack, What Can I Do?! Rock Legend Gene Simmons Shouts It Out Loud, Says He Doesn't Like Obama's Style.

Legendary rock music icon and original KISS member Gene Simmons may love it loud, but it would appear that he doesn't love it leftist. In a new interview with CNN, Simmons says he's not a big fan anymore of President Barack Obama (link to full story at bottom).

Although Simmons voted for Obama in 2008, Simmons says he now knows a thing or two about Obama, and Simmons' opinion of the man has soured considerably. In particular, Simmons says he "couldn't find somebody, in retrospect, more unqualified."

Somehow I don't think Simmons will be calling Dr. Leftist anytime soon -- not when he's blasting away at the president like this (also from the CNN interview): "Two years in public office, never ran his own company, so after the fact, I'm questioning his qualifications."

Also in the new interview, Simmons takes some shots at Obama & The Dems' health care monstrosity just for good measure. He also proclaims, "I want the government out of my life!"

But before too many tears are falling for Obama, I don't think the news is all bad on the Gene Simmons front. It's not like the two of them have nothing in common. After all, one of Simmons' and KISS' mottos is that "you gotta live like you're on vacation." Obama has that one down pat.

And Simmons & KISS have also previously expressed (in the song "Do You Love Me") their admiration for people who love "fame and masquerade," limousines, private planes, running up huge bills on credit, etc. Again, on all counts, Obama's livin' like he's in Detroit Rock City! Far from some Hard Luck President, he's got every Reason to Live given these facts. Methinks he'll be Back in the Leftist Groove in no time.

However, and not to be a Debbie Downer or a Beth The Girlfriend, but there is at least one aspect of Simmons' statements that cannot so easily be laughed off: When someone like Obama starts having the Metal Gods aligned against him, that can't be a good sign. It's sort of like having the Statue of Liberty open up her mouth and call you a piece of crap, in my estimation.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

This Would Be a Cat Fight For the Ages! Feud Brews Between Sarah Palin & Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Who Reportedly Feels "Violated" By the Reality TV Star.

Never let it be said that I am not an equal opportunity Independent. First I blogged today about the democrat party eating its own, and now it's the republicans' turn. It seems that all is not well these days in deranged right-winger land, as there's word this weekend of a major rift between The View co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck and her follow conservative, reality TV star Sarah Palin (link to full story at bottom).

You may recall that Hasselbeck (for some mystifying, head-scratching reason) has long been a huge supporter of Palin, even taking the time to aggressively campaign for then-VP candidate Palin in 2008 and appearing at a number of Palin rallies that same year (as pictured above). Well, I guess a lot can change in two years, because now Palin reportedly won't even return Hasselbeck's phone calls.

The linked story reports that Hasselbeck feels "violated" and "used and abused" by the so-called Mama Grizzly. A source is quoted as saying: "Elizabeth feels used by the former governor. She stood up and did everything she could to get Sarah to the White House. She was expecting to have made a friend for life."

And now Palin reportedly "wants nothing to do" with Hasselbeck, which Hasselbeck "resents." Also, I would guess that likely adding salt to the proverbial wound is the fact that Palin -- while not giving the time of day to Hasselbeck -- has recently been cozying up to fellow reality show diva Kate Gosselin, who's set to make an upcoming appearance on Palin's reality show. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for the likes of Kate Gosselin, after all.

Keep Your Friends Close, But Your Enemies Closer: Has Obama Intentionally Ruined Hillary's Political Career Through the Wikileaks Scandal?

It's the oft-repeated adage attributed to Don Vito Corleone, head of the infamous Corleone crime family: "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." The thought being, if you can keep the people who pose a threat to you on a short leash through feigned allegiance, then you can also keep a very close eye on what they're up to and you'll be in a much better position to work on undermining their efforts at every turn.

And make no mistake: "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" is precisely what Barack Obama had in mind when he made Hillary Clinton his secretary of state. And it appears now that Obama may have just reaped the full fruits of that maneuver, as this weekend we receive Hillary's pronouncement that secretary of state will be "my last public position" (link to full story at bottom) -- taking one step further her past indications that she does not intend to run for president in the future.

Full fruits? Just what in the hell am I talking about, you might ask? Well, I'm talking about the recent Wikileaks scandal. The Obama administration has known that these highly damaging Wikileaks were coming for many months, but yet Obama saw fit to raise nary a finger to try to stop their publication. The Wikileaks have likely effectively ended Hillary's political career, as both the substance of the leaks, and the fact that the leaks occurred, portray the State Deparment in an extremely unflattering light. And that buck stops with Hillary, as the State Department's head.

It has been widely speculated that Hillary over the past year has very much pondered a potential democrat party primary challenge to the unpopular Obama in 2012 -- presenting a more "mainstream" democrat (if there is such a thing) alternative to the far leftist Obama. Is it any coincidence that Hillary's statements about not running for president and this being her "last public position" never came until after (1) she knew what was coming in terms of these Wikileaks and (2) and the actual publication of the leaks?

Nope, methinks Obama has played this one so well that Don Vito & his son, Melancholy Don Michael, might consider adopting the Leftist One as an honorary member of their crime family (if only either one of them were still alive to do so -- damn pesky heart attacks). So we're left with the effective end of Hillary Clinton's political career and with one of the top achievements of the Obama presidency being his artful use of the tactics of a common street hood. America's certainly come a long way in 234 years. Not that I have a dog in the Obama/Hillary fight. I've never liked nor trusted either one of them.

Friday, December 3, 2010

"Am I Doing Interviews!? NO!"
Palin Pulls a Teddy, Has Trouble Coherently Responding to Even the Most Simple & Obvious of Reporter Questions.

Today's details a "run in" that Sarah Palin had with the press in Iowa yesterday. As a preface, Palin is obviously in Iowa (her second recent trip there) because of her potential 2012 run for president, given the huge importance of the Iowa Caucus during the presidential primaries. Yesterday she was appearing for a book signing in Spirit Lake, Iowa, when the press showed up. And that's when all hell broke loose.

A CNN reporter tried to ask Palin the very obvious question, "Are you any closer to a decision on running for president?" A simple and immediate "No" response would have put an end to that very quickly, but is anything ever simple in the zany, celebrity-like world that is Palin? Of course not.

Palin and her "camp" actually claim that they were taken by "surprise" by the reporter's highly predictable question. And apparently so, since before Palin would even answer it, there were the following contortions and chicanery: First Palin dispatched an aide to confront the reporter. "What are we doing!?", crowed the aide to the reporter.

Next Palin joined in on the act with a meltdown of her own: "Am I doing interviews?! No! I thought I got to talk to the nice people? And where's our music and where's our good enthusiasm?" (As for why she was referring to "music," "enthusiasm," and "nice people," your guess is as good as mine).

Only after all this -- and the passage of Lord knows how much time since the reporter's question was initially asked -- did Palin finally answer the question with a simple "no." I guess she needed some time to think about it, that being such a tough, hard-hitting question and all.

This whole charade reminded me just a bit of Ted Kennedy's infamous 60 Minutes interview in 1980, as Kennedy was running a primary challenge to sitting democrat party president Jimmy Carter. During the interview, Teddy was asked the most obvious of questions: Why do you want to be president of the United States?

But in response, Kennedy stuttered and stammered around like a custodial scientist assigned Mississippi $hithouse detail right before 5 o'clock. But in fairness to Teddy, he may well have been drunk at the time. So what's Sarah's excuse?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Oh Stewardess? I'd Like to Order My Meal Now, & I'll Take the Chicken, Not the Lizard, Thank You."

A Puerto Rican woman is reportedly suing American Airlines for 15 million clams after the airline allegedly served her a "lizard airline meal" (link to full story at bottom). In this bizarre story, the lady, Monserrate Luna, says "she ate a lizard that was served in her in-flight meal."

Luna says that she was catching a movie on a flight from JFK Airport in the Big Apple to San Juan, Puerto Rico, and that she ordered the chicken for her meal. No word whether the movie was Airplane! or some different picture. Regardless, Luna says a lizard was in her chicken dinner and that she "unintentionally chomped" on the little creature (it's good to know that she didn't mean to do it).

American Airlines' defense appears to be two-fold. First, the airline says that what Luna thought was a lizard was merely a chicken skin. And with such a striking resemblace between chicken skin and a four-legged reptile, you have to think that defense is airtight (or NOT).

But if that one doesn't fly, the airline's fallback is the ol' "feather defense," with the airline's attorney claiming that "there may have been some feathers in there, or what looked like feathers, but there was no lizard." So let me get this straight: As long as the lady only consumed some pesky little bird feathers, that makes everything OK? Since, after all, it wasn't a lizard!

Final thought: The linked story indicates that Luna not only "chomped" on the lizard (unintentionally, mind you), but also "ate" it. Why should she follow with the swallow? She wouldn't be able to claim that she ate a lizard unless she knew it was a lizard before swallowing. So while the chomp may have been "unintentional," how could the swallow have been? The jury's going to have to sort this one out!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"The Walking Dead" Give the Ax
To an Entire Writing Crew!

...Figuratively, if not literally. It's AMC's The Walking Dead, a zombie apocalypse series that's been one of my favorite new shows of the fall television season. The show's drawn high ratings, and AMC has already renewed it for a second season. So you'd think that producer/director Frank Darabont would keep his writing staff intact for Season 2, right? WRONG.

In the news today is the startling announcement that Darabont has given all of The Walking Dead's writers (including Darabont's former righthand man) their walking papers faster than George Romero turns out Night of the Living Dead sequels. (Maybe Darabont has become a deranged zombie himself, explaining the rash behavior?)

The linked story surmises that Darabont's harsh move is likely just a big powerplay, since Darabont is reportedly looking to bring in a slew of freelance writers (instead of an actual replacement writing staff) for Season 2. "Freelancers do as they're told, if they want to work," notes the article.

But I wouldn't think that bringing in a bunch of freelancers and eschewing the continuity of even keeping one or two of the old writers around would bode particuarly well for Season 2. We shall see. As it stands, Season 1 has been pretty good -- clearly a grade or two better than your standard Zombie-apocalypse fare (and I've watched a lot of it).

Why mess around with that formula? As the linked story's headline very cleverly borrows from the classic line from the original Night of the Living Dead -- "they're fired, they're all messed up."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Obama Proclaims Today, "The American People Didn't Vote For Gridlock!"
The Hell We Didn't.

That was the latest out-of-touch, blinded blast from the impenetrable bubble that is the White House, as Obama talked at the media following a meeting with congressional republicans concerning the December lameduck session that will precede the new GOP incumbents being seated in January (hit first link for full story).

As previously discussed in this space, a primary motivation for American Independents (the people who decide your elections) to vote for GOP candidates on November 2 was to restore a measure of power balance to DC after watching two terrifying years of the far leftists completely controlling the federal government -- a motivation that was only confirmed by polling data on November 2 and November 3 (second and third links at bottom).

Put another way, American Independents weren't voting for the republicans or their incessant far right rhethoric, but rather were voting for the principle that neither of these two awful parties should ever have enough power again to do any significant further damage to this country. That's the textbook definition of GRIDLOCK, and gridlock is exactly what we wanted as a result of the 2010 midterm elections. As I recall posting on my sidebar column on November 2: "I never thought the word Gridlock could sound so beautiful!"

Not that I would realistically expect Obama to ever have even a cursory understanding of American political opinion or the American Independent. He could care less and, even if he did care, the beltway cocoon known as Washington DC would likely never allow him to be anything other than the completely tone-deaf, embarrassing president that he's always been (along with George W. Bush, the two worst presidents of my lifetime). Yes, I bring it pretty hard at Obama, I realize. But if the shoe fits.

Pat Down This: 20-Something Lady "Creates Ruckus," Strips Down Buck Naked on Flight from Chicago to New York!

I'm just seeing this story from over the weekend. Passengers on the Delta airlines flight reportedly "got more than they bargained for" (ya think?) when the young lady, for no apparent good reason, launched into a full-fledged striptease as the plane began its descent into JFK airport in New York City (links to full story at bottom).

Next thing you know, she was buck naked (I still invite anyone to explain to me any meaningful difference between being "buck naked" as opposed to merely "naked"). However, the flight's stewardesses, playing the roles of spoilers and party poopers, quickly tried to cover up the naked lady with covers. That didn't sit too well with this exhibitionist, however, as she reportedly screamed, "NO! NO! NO!" over and over again as the stewardesses tried to veil her buff.

This Strippin' Lady of the High Skies is not expected to be charged with any crime. The New York Port Authority, however, did see fit to classify her with a gratuitous "emotionally disturbed" characterization. For my money, the only deranged ones in this whole escapade were those Grumpy Gus stewardesses, hell bent on ruining the passengers' fun and depriving them of that "extra bargain" which they were not expecting. No Freebies in the Friendly Skies anymore, after all!;cbsnewsLeadStoriesHeadlines