Thursday, October 22, 2015

Holy Coffin Nails: This Broad & Two Other Ruskie Nicotine Fiends Admit to Robbing a Grave So They Can Get Their Smoke On After Boiling the Stiff's Head to Use as an Ashtray!

For good measure, this tobacco-tokin' threesome also hacked off the dead body's fingers for use as "fortune-telling runes"!

Apparently the authorities over in Russia frown upon this sort of thing.

But not overly much:  These three graveyard goofs won't even have to go cold turkey in the local hoosegow, since they've been set free on suspended sentences.

Relatives of the stiff, however, ain't being quite so lenient, hitting the tombstone trio with a 900,000-rouble (about 15,000 bucks) compensation claim.

Which may make that souped up skull the most expensive fag tray of the modern era.

Next time try hitting the corner smokes store or the Dollar Tree, you zany cancer sticks pricks, ya! I'm bettin' 5-10 bucks will have ya rolling in more ashtrays than a Stalin purge.