Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Big Bowl a Kamikaze: "Japan Airlines Pilot Suspended for Cockpit Selfie with Stewardess" While in Flight...

She was a "stewardess"?  In his "cockpit"?  Assisting in a career suicide move by an airplane pilot who just happened to be Japanese?

The only things missing from this un-PC pile of journalistic purgatory are some midgets, a missing manhole cover, and a few hims whom you best refer to as hers if you know what's good
fo-yo ass.

And for the record, I don't think June Cleaver was channeling either Bruce Jenner or Rachel Dolezal that time on the Airplane when she interjected that, "Oh Stewardess, I speak Jive."

Rather, I always attributed that to pillow talk that June had picked up over many years of Ward being a little hard on the Beaver.
