Friday, May 29, 2015

She Ain't Heavy, She's a Hottie: Ballerina Broad Fired from Ballet for Being "Too Fat" Can Feel Free to Turn Pirouettes on Me All. Night. Long!

What do ya have to be, some kind a midget or something, like one of them little horse jockeys, to dance in the god damn ballet? Jesus.

But her misfortune hasn't stopped this Anastasia Volochkova. She appears to have quite the online following, and in the past week took to the Net to show everyone her hot babe bona fides in front of the Indian Ocean. And just take a look at that shit above. Good Grief!

BTW, is one technically "buck naked" if mostly covered with sand? Or does that merely make you "partially nude"? And what if your ass is bare, but partially obscured by virtue of water submergence? Leave me the fuck alone a few minutes so that I may consult my pay-per-view porn channel in my never-ending quest for answers.