Tuesday, April 28, 2015

BRRR: 30 Degree Temps Hit NYC Over Weekend & New Report Declares "Global Warming Has Slowed" to "Natural Variability." But Isn't All That Beside the Point?

Maybe I'm a little fucked up, a little confused. I thought temps meant little to the issue of "Global Warming"? In fact, "Global Warming" ain't even the correct term for you to use anymore, you Climate Denier Bastards, ya...

To wit: Coldest decade in history? Climate Change. Hottest decade in history? Climate Change. No aqua in Cali? Climate Change. Earthquake kills 1000+ in Nepal? Climate Change. National debt tops $17 Trillion? Climate Change. Gunman goes on rampage? Climate Change. (Oh wait, I meant to say Gun Control on that one. Gettin' my canned, rotgut, groupthink blame reactions mixed up over here. But I digress...)

Isn't the real point this: The temps, the facts, the trends, and the realities matter little in any of this? Because regardless of any of those variables -- indeed, regardless, of what occurs -- the leftist 20 percenters are going to beat the "climate change" drum and try to silence any dissent or discussion to the contrary?

Because the issue, closely akin to a form of religion, is that important to them -- as a means to an end, that is. The endgame is "climate change" legislation and massive expansions in the size and power of the federal government bureaucracy as a result. (Recall the Cap'n Trade monstrosity they foisted through the House in 2009 (only to have it later die in the Senate)). The ends always justify the means with leftists, and "climate change" is just the means, the pretense, to even bigger government despite our stifling national debt.

Remember this the next time you may feel tempted to get in the middle of the "climate change" sniping between the leftist 20 percenters and the right-wingers. You'd be wasting valuable time out of your life. Because the facts and the truth simply matter not.
