Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Endless Campaign: Once You've Known One Leftist 20 Percenter -- Same Talking Points; Same Rotgut Reactions; Same Tired Tactics "All the Time"...

In reference to devout leftist Big Apple mayor Bill de Blasio, the following passage struck me this week from a New York Post column by Michael Goodwin (one of America's most entertaining political columnists, for my money):

"'All politics, all the time for de Blasio' -- The quote of the week from [local democrat party broad Cathy Nolan on de Blasio's politicking on education]. 'Everything with the de Blasio administration is a campaign,' she told the Wall Street Journal."

Continues Goodwin: "In his second year, just like his first, Bill de Blasio would rather campaign than govern. He panders to his 17 percent base as though that’s all there is to leading and managing an international city of 8.4 million people. It’s all politics, all the time."

Gee whiz, that description seems to sound rather vaguely familiar. Let's see: Constant campaigning rather than governing? Concerned with the 20% of the population that groupthinks his ideology, to the complete exclusion of everyone else? Politics before everything, "all the time"?

Well, anyway, the name will come to me. Until then, I'm just glad we've never elected an American president who was like that. Such a dude would probably have to go down as one of the worst ever. Don't 'cha think? 
