Friday, February 27, 2015

Preschool Party Time: Iowa Kindergarten Teacher Allegedly Gets Her Drink On During Students' Valentine's Day Festivities! No Good?

She's 40-year-old pie-eyed (allegedly) kindergarten teacher Jennifer L. Rich (pic immediately above), and it was the Friday the 13th before Valentine's Day, so the pressure was on at that afternoon's class party: All those parents; all those 5-year-old punks; all that candy; and all them damn valentines! Ain't that enough to prompt any teacher to wanna whack down a six-pack to take the ol' edge off?

But you know those parents -- always the killjoy, them. And when one of 'em spotted a beer can in Tipsy Teach's (allegedly) classroom during the party, I figure parent had at least a few choices: Like take a drink, for one. Or dispose of the can (in a green-friendly recycle bin, of course). Or entertain the little shits on hand with a can crush to the head!

Or, you can just be an old Grumpy Gus and rat out the (allegedly) tanked teacher to the cops. Stoolie! When precisely that occurred, the cops reportedly arrived faster than a Keystone Ice buzz on a midget. Cops say they found a bag in the classroom with four full beer cans and a couple a' empties.

Reportedly adding to the federal case, as well, were a couple of bloodshot eyes on the (allegedly) well-oiled Ms. Rich. (Mewonders whether the party might've actually begun in earnest even before the kids arrived, given that a couple a' brews ain't normally gonna bloodshot a broad's eyes, no? But I digress).

Now this (allegedly) intoxicated teacher is going to have to swig her suds in a new classroom, since the whole brouhaha brought about her arrest and her resignation from her former suburban Des Moines elementary school.  Hey Teach: Take the booze to the shithouse or something next time, you psycho, crazy-eyed freak, ya!