Friday, January 9, 2015

Now These Positions Open Up All Sorts 'a Possibilities! Alec Baldwin's Old Lady Hilaria, 31, Gets Blasted on "Social Media" For Being a "Fame Whore." WTF?!?

Pot meet kettle, "social media." 'Cause seems to me that you are chock full of little tiny people living down in a sub-basement somewhere and grasping for that one moronic tweet, post or comment that might get you noticed by someone other than Aunt Gertie or Willie the Wino down to the corner.

I've never even understood the moniker, "social" media. It's always seemed pretty anti-social to me:  Principally comprised of politically correct, grouchy, curmudgeony, group-thinking creeps who -- to quote a fellow MU alum -- probably haven't had a day of fun in their whole lives.

As for this hot little number Hilaria: This broad can feel free to be a freakin' fame whore to her little heart's content! Just keep them pics 'a comin', Baby! And if this sweet dish's next pic involves the ol' Butter Churner, I just may have to excuse myself to the shithouse for a few days (sheepish grin).