Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Louse President: Mentally Challenged Joe Biden "Overstates Deaths in Joplin Tornado by 160839." Let's Just Call This Idiot "DAN"!

161 were killed in Joplin.  But according to Joe Biden, it was 161,000. And I betcha this fool can't spell "potato" either. Or even "chains" for that matter. And this on the heels of two other ill-advised Biden statements over the weekend (both of which he was forced to walk back) insulting American allies in the Middle East.

How ironic is it that the leftist democrat party's conquering heroes of six years ago -- Biden and the individual we currently have as a president -- have turned out to be just as ill-qualified, incompetent, unintelligent, and downright shameful as the two worst bozos that the gop-ers have put up in my lifetime: W Bush and Dan Quayle.

Someone please explain to me why a majority of the people in this country still insist on voting for one of these two rotten parties and the slimeballs they offer up as candidates?

Regardless, I can't follow along. I won't vote for horseshit. And Mr. Biden is a six-foot pile.
