Friday, August 29, 2014

Eating Their Own: Hyper-P.C. Leftists Actually Have the Gall to Accuse Left-Leaning Billy Crystal & Robin Williams of "Racism" for Crystal's Tribute to Williams at the Emmys! REALLY?!?

Is there anyone, anything, at any time, that leftists do NOT scream "racism" over?  I've commented before that most leftists (as well as most right-wingers) don't strike me as overly intelligent human beings (few group-thinkers ever do), and the linked story is only proof positive of that of which I speak...

First, for the record, I have a very low opinion of suicide.  I view it, at least most of the time, as the act of cowardly, highly self-centered and self-important individuals (and I've known a few of those), with no regard for the profound impact such act has on all the people in their lives.

But my opinion is still not fully-formed when it comes to suicide people who suffered from severe clinical depression at the time they whacked themself out.  Perhaps such folks are more acting from mental illness than cowardice, selfishness, or narcissism?  I'll admit I haven't resolved that one yet in my mind.

Williams may have well suffered from such a level of depression, and it's been hard for me to know precisely how to react to him offing himself. But that aside...

I found Crystal's tribute to Williams at the Emmys to be exceptional. It was thoughtful, non-judgmental, and moving.  The Rager, being a person who never becomes emotional in front of anyone, actually had a tear brought to his eye by Crystal's heartfelt tribute.

But, as usual, many leftists just couldn't leave very well enough alone -- taking to the rot-gut culture that is the American social media in order to accuse two of their own (Crystal and Williams) of "racism" for a Williams joke in the tribute that is said to have poked fun at the disgusting, oppressive, murderous and maniacal Islamic "Republic" of Iran (link below).  Good God -- Can't Have That, Now Can We, leftists?!?

And some actually wonder why I oppose these creeps with every single fiber of my being. 'Til they stick me in the ground, leftists, I will be your opponent.  Always.  Deem it a promise.  You slugs.