Friday, April 25, 2014

Hot Baked Banana Broad: Australian "Fitness Guru" Goes Around Looking Like This Just By Eating a Bunch of Bananas & Fruits All Damn Day Long!

This fruit job from down under is named Loni Jane Anthony, otherwise known as "Freelee the Banana Girl" (link below).  This fruit freak's known to whack down dozens of bananas a day before polishing off some mangoes, pineapples and orange juice just for good measure. She credits her "all fruit all the time" diet for her knock-out physique...

But apparently this hot little fruit loop is taking a lot of grief from curmudgeony dietitians, who just can't ever seem to shut the fuck up about balanced diets from the five traditional food groups.  YAWN! I'd like to go on record with my full support for this fruit skirt...

I'd like to go over there to her joint and see her melons and peach cans and get the ol' fruit juices flowin'. I wanna munch on her cherry niblets and show her my plantain and basenji nuts. Hey, I could use to be whipped into shape, and she's just the fruit floozy to do it. Just one caveat: Rager does not eat grapefruit.