Monday, March 31, 2014

Sick Stereotype: "Mugshot Accumulator Draws Up Most Likely Faces to Be Arrested for Drug Offenses." Really?!?

I'm personally offended over here.  I take that composite mugshot as an affront. A great slight. The ultimate disrespect. A personal insult to my individual personhood...

Forgettabout the broad, I'm focusing on the dude.  He shares certain resemblances to the younger version of me, all the way down to them beady little brown eyes and that perfectly rounded schnoz.

If I didn't know better, that guy could almost be the young me. As such, I easily could fall in love with him if only I swang in that direction. And that's supposed to be the typical face of someone who gets tossed in the hoosegow?

Here's the problem: I ain't spent a minute in the can in over 14 years. And I wouldn't know the inside of a meth lab from an Alabama shithouse. Hell, I've never even pulled a damn bank job!

So methinks Mr. Mugshot Accumulator needs to G-F-H and/or stick his own freakin' mush up on that picture. Leave me the hell out of it, ya prick ya! Now I'm so riled up that my goiter's flaring up like a Kansas City Zoo rumble. I gots to scoot...