Friday, December 6, 2013

Better First Check the Letter Next to the Name: "Biden Urges Chinese Students to Take Inspiration from Young Americans & Challenge Their Government Leaders"...

Right! 2013 America: Where the citizens have unbridled freedom to speak out in opposition against their government...

Unless you're that cancer patient who recently complained that Obamacare forced him to lose his policy and who was then promptly hit with an IRS audit related to his 2009 tax return (link below).

Or unless you're an insurance company with something critical to say about the botched Obamacare rollout -- which recently resulted in the White House exerting "massive pressure" on insurance companies (i.e. regulatory threats) to keep their mouths shut (link below).

Or unless you're a political group on the opposite side from the leftists, which makes you a natural target to be singled out for IRS harassment (link below).

Or unless you have the nerve to say one word opposing Obama, which results in the gag reflex from the leftist blogosphere and propaganda machine to label you a racist -- with the full acquiescence of their acolyte media (as documented previously in this space).

And jeezal peezal, these are only the examples that I can recall from the past six weeks or so!

So as for Biden, allow me to amend that fool's statements, Chinese students. Here goes: Take inspiration from America and its citizens' right to challenge their government -- just watch out you don't challenge the parts of the government with a "D" next to their name. That course of action tends to end rather badly these days for many of the perpetrators.