Friday, November 1, 2013

STOP THE PRESS: Obama a Liar?!? "Obama Administration Knew Millions Could Not Keep Their Health Insurance" if Obamacare Passed.

This laughable headline this week, BTW, comes from leftist news outlet NBC (i.e. MSNBC) News -- not exactly a bastion of right-winger propaganda.  I'm still trying to figure out NBC News' angle for being racist and going against Obama for once, but regardless, what does it matter?...

When Obama looked the American people in the eye repeatedly in 2009 and 2010 and spouted, "If you want to keep your current health care plan, and if you want to keep your doctor, you can!", it was an obvious lie at the time to anyone who had bothered to become even mildly informed about the radical leftist Obamacare legislation that the democrat party and Obama spent the better part of a year trying to foist into law during that period (even in the face of much more pressing economic recession issues the like of which the country hadn't seen in 80 years -- many of which still linger to this day).

This was their far leftist baby, after all, and by God, these leftists were gonna ram it through!  The ends always justify the means with these creatures, and so it was that the Obamacare monstrosity became "law," against the will of an American people who did not want it, through historically unprecedented and pathetic straight party-line votes, legislative bribery, and slimeball procedural gimmickry (it was " 'reconciliation,' NOT the 'nuclear option'!," scream group-thinking leftists to this day!).

Of course Obama was lying!  Obama ("I don't know nuttin', I just work here") couldn't care less about the truth, rather only what he can politically get away with at the moment and in advance of an election with his many media advocates and lackeys.  Obamacare was, of course, never about funding health care for the less fortunate who can't afford it.  It was always, of course, instead about foisting a huge leftist regulatory scheme on the health insurance industry aimed at ultimately arriving at a single payer system, i.e. a complete federal government takeover of that same industry by forcing its private side mostly or all out of business...

Middle class folks, already reeling from a never-ending economic malaise over several years (2008-2013), would (and now) of course have to give up their plans and/or start paying a whole hell of a lot more for their plans in order to pay for the massive new regulatory scheme.  They were just collateral damage, as the leftists see it.  To the leftist 20 percenters, it was all about a big leftist power grab -- push, push, push the size of the federal government and bureaucracy as huge as it can be, and take over all the health care!

You see, the means never mattered to the leftist 20 percenters, rather only the ends -- a rather medieval mentality that leads to pathological lying on the grandest of scales. I can actually recall days past when calling someone a liar was about as bad of a thing that one could call. These days, I doubt an individual like Obama and his leftist acolytes could care less. Just so long as they get what they want in the end.