Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Senator McShame: Leading gop-er Supporter of Obama's Neocon Plan to Attack Syria, John McCain, Has the Gall to "Play Poker During War Hearing"...

Tuesday's hearing -- of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations -- saw top Obama minions like the completely hypocritical leftist SOS SOB John Kerry trying to lay out the bullshit case why the U.S. should attack a sovereign country that hasn't attacked us in order to help out a Syrian rebellion propped up by Al Qaeda terrorists...

But this subject matter apparently bored Tired Old Man McCain, who basically "voted present" at the hearing (as he was so fond of accusing Obama in 2008) and disgracefully sat there playing video poker on his iPhone (as pictured above). He later Tuesday on Twitter even had the unmitigated nerve to make light of his pathetic actions -- in essence also making light of congressional proceedings on the trivial issue of whether America should go to war (link below). Guess it's all just a game to the half-senile old man.

McCain is not only so old and worn out now that he has no business serving as a U.S. Senator (I question his basic competency to hold office, frankly). And he was not only (in 2008) one of the most sad, pathetic and ill-conceived presidential candidates that I've seen during all my years (a Georgia shithouse could've been the democrat party nominee and beaten McCain that year)...

More important than any of that, McCain's also been one of the greatest enablers of the absolutely destructive neoconservative foreign policies of W Bush and his successor, Barack "Bush-Lite" Obama. When the old codger should be seriously questioning those policies, he's instead more interested in ante-ing up at the ol' Texas Hold 'Em table. 

McCain needed to retire years ago. He does a continuing disservice to his country and home state by dragging his sorry old sack of bones and diminishing mental capacity into the Senate on a regular basis. And don't away mad, Old Man, but do please, please, please just go away. I mean, just think of all the time you'll have in retirement to yuck it up some more over the fun you have playing poker, blackjack and all the various games of chance!  Neocon Creep.

Postscript:  Gotta love how, thus far, the leftist "mainstream media" and leftist blogosphere have mostly ignored or done their very best to downplay (i.e. join the Old Man in joking around about) this story about McCain's disgusting actions, since this story very much tends to undermine McCain's helpful propensity for backing the Neocon ways of a president who has a "D" next to his name.  Leftist hypocrites.  Same as it ever was.