Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Brain Dead: Disgusting New Poll Finds 42% of Americans Are UNAWARE That Obamacare Monstrosity Is the Law of the Land! BUT Is This Really Very Surprising?

It remains a continuing disheartening fact that such a huge swath of the American populace is wholly ignorant of even the most basic of political facts. Ignorance is bliss!, said that bald slimeball from The Matrix.

But note therein one of the myriad differences between me and the leftist 20 percenters. The leftist believes most of the population is downright stupid. Regular idiots. Not capable of thinking for themselves. Not capable of taking care of themselves. So it's up to the great leftist 20 percenter braintrusts to handle that job for everyone. Bleh!

You see, I don't think these political ignoramuses nationwide need a nanny nor a big brother. What they could use, in contrast, is a good swift kick in the ass. Or at least a good talking to, as that Limey Caretaker/Butler dude from The Shining might say.

There is more to life, my fellow Americans, than Entertainment Tonight and Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Better look around once in awhile, or you might just miss it (to paraphrase the famous John Hughes character a few years back).