Friday, April 26, 2013

New "Research": "Parents Who Tell Children to Finish Everything on Their Plates Are Fueling Obesity." Rager to Researcher: G-F-Y!

Keep your nanny state advice to yourself, University of Minnesota. It's real simple what you tell these rotten little punks when they don't feel like cleaning their plate:  "YOU TOOK IT, NOW YOU EAT IT!"

And if the little shit gives ya any lip from there (e.g., "boo hoo, I took too much!"), then tell him that "this'll teach ya next time not to be such a damn glutton!"  Issue resolved.

See, we don't need Universities or Mayor Bloomberg or Michelle Obama to tell parents (or local school districts, for that matter) how to best raise kids, or how to parent them, or how to police their diets.  It ain't your job, leftist 20 percenters.  Buzz the hell off, already.