Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Mysterious Goat Man" in Utah Confirmed (By Authorities) to NOT Actually Be Part Goat. Boy That's a Real Load Off...

Apparently this has been quite the mystery out in Ogden, Utah in recent weeks (link at bottom):  A strange creature exhibiting both man-like and goat-like traits and tendencies while he milled around amongst a herd of wild goats up in the Wasatch Mountains...

Well, mystery solved this week, reportedly:  State wildlife cops say the odd beast is really just a male hunter decked out in a "goat suit," fleece and all (where does a person go about finding such a suit, anyway?). (None of your business why I'm askin'). 

Cops also confirm that the man is 100% human and not at all (or in any part) goat -- not even in a 1/32 Elizabeth Warren hokey ancestry claim sort of way. 

So as for his story, this non-Giles Goat-Boy in Utah reportedly told cops he was just "testing out" the goat suit because he wanted to "prepare for an archery hunt of mountain goats next year." Course, that goes nowhere towards explaining why he felt compelled to root around within a pack of wild goats while sporting said suit.

And if you're planning to participate in a hunting season on a particular animal, wouldn't disguising yourself as the animal perhaps be the last thing you'd ever want to do?

But I maybe I'm being a little hard on the goat boy. As an anonymous "agitated" caller implored cops last week, "Leave goat man alone. He's done nothing wrong."