Thursday, November 17, 2011

OUTRAGE: New York City Actually Requires occupy wall streeters to Produce a Valid ID Before They Can Reclaim Any of Their Rubbish from the Junkyard!

This move is sure to mean that many older occupiers will be completely disenfranchised from their right to say, "hey that smelly shit's mine," down at the city dump. This includes those numerous elderly occupiers who -- regardless of their ability to hoof it down to a voting station or protest site -- are simply unable to navigate that complex set of steps necessary to procuring a valid picture ID while out in public. Tell me, what does the Big Apple have against all members of society being able to claim dibs on their rancid, confiscated chattels?

All of this controversy comes on the heals of New York City early Wednesday forcing all the occupiers out of Ourpotti Park so that sanitation workers could clean up that wretched hive of scum and villiany. In the process, sanitation workers removed "mountains" of decaying, rotten debris (pictured at the above and below) and hauled it off to the dump -- where leftist 20 percenters can claim any of it so long as they have one of those damn pesky valid ID's.

And boy did that shit stink! And then some. Said one sanitation worker: "I pick up garbage for a living, and these were some of the worst smells I've EVER experienced!" Not to mention, workers were treated to a veritable potpourri of disgusting personalty...

In particular, the "filthy piles of property" reportedly included "dirty hypodermic needles, moldy food and glass-littered, broken gadgets." And that was just for starters. Also among the ruins was a "massive pile of soiled tents, old bikes and spoiled food." Guess they don't call 'em grubby hippy and dirty hippy chics for nothing.

And some of the random debris in the mountains of rubbish was also rather remarkable to behold. That included a giant Frank's pickle barrel ass (may I slip you a pickle?) that workers suspected was full of shit -- literally. There were also stray plywood sheets, chicken wire, old cables, grotesque clothing items and "smeared peanut-butter jars."

Apparently also, the protesters "inhabiting" the park counted among their leftist lot that wily old-school 'rassler The HonkyTonk Man -- since "two busted guitars" were found strewn amongst the rubble just for good measure. Now these protesters just need a bearded lady, a midget or two, and the "piggy piggy" dude from "American Horror Story" so that they can officially take this circus out on the road. Drivers license required.