But he did, of course, and regardless of what you think of him, it is indisputable that Ronald Reagan had one of the most historical presidencies in American history. Today is the 100th anniversary of his birth, and this weekend The Daily checked back in with the nut job who shot Reagan and three others in 1981.
John Hinckley never spent a day in the joint for his crime -- which the whack job said was his nutty attempt to impress actress Jodie Foster (with whom he had become obsessed after watching her play a kiddie hooker in the film Taxi Driver).
Instead, the deranged lunatic and bona fide slimeball was committed to the loony bin, where he's been ever since (he's now 55). And as The Daily's story details, he's livin' it up pretty good in the ol' snake pit (link to full story at bottom).
The story describes the maniacal Hinckley as a "Caged Casanova" with a new girlfriend for whom he's "going gaga." Her name is Cynthia Bruce (pictured at the top with her beau).
The couple met in the madhouse (errr, St. Elizabeth's Mental Hospital in Washington DC) and have been dating since at least October 2010. But they let Bruce out of the cuckoo’s nest at some point, as she's now described as a "former psychiatric patient" who lives in her own apartment.
The 45-year-old Bruce says that the affair she's got going with madman Hinckley is a "positive thing" and that she's doesn't care what anyone thinks about it. She also says she sees "value" in the demented failed assassin.
Bruce also cries "none of your damn business" if you try to ask her what the strange brew duo does for fun: "I don’t want to hurt or derail anybody, including myself," she said cryptically.
The Daily also reports that the crazed couple was "recently photographed cuddling outside St. Elizabeth’s psych ward," spending "an hour together on a sunny afternoon" and "sharing sodas and snacks" (I'm guessing nuts, crackers and bananas). How romantic. (Hinckley, BTW, is permitted to spend limited time outside the lunatic asylum and even has a driver's license).
Apparently they don't let Bruce spend the night with Hinckley at the funny farm, however, since following that recent "sunny afternoon," she took the subway home to her one-bedroom apartment. That joint, BTW, is reportedly decorated with "Christian posters [and] biblical passages" by the "very religious" Bruce.
Interestingly, Bruce might want to pack up those decorations and try to find a way back into the bughouse so that she can keep a better eye on her creepy, underdone old man. I say that because Hinckley gets around. A real player around the psycho ward, you could say: The man who lost his marbles but kept his stones. Women go bonkers for the aging, batty psychopath.
Specifically, Hinckley has dated female patients before there at the crazy house, including an unhinged "Ms. M" (a patient "suffering from bipolar disorder") as well as a daft "Ms. G" who was actually cheating on her own old man with Hinckley! Apparently they don't call that place the booby hatch for nothing.