The alleged jewel heist went down at the Kamofie & Company jewelry story in Venice, California, but it didn't exactly involve the Pink Panther diamond. Instead, the missing piece is a $2,500 "gold necklace with semiprecious stones." A full police investigation is underway, with Lohan’s handlers over the past day turning over a necklace to the cops.
A surveillance video reportedly shows Lohan inside the store "wearing the necklace just before it vanished," although not showing her actually leaving with it. It's also reported that the store owner gave cops a picture that shows Lohan wearing the necklace one week later.
Lohan is currently on probation for DUI since leaving the Betty Ford clinic in January, and I'd think that a nice little jewel heist (allegedly) would be quite the probation buster. It could also mean some hard time in the hoosegow. TMZ is reporting that a "source closely connected with the case says charges are 'likely'" – and they could be for grand theft and/or burglary.
But it all begs the questions of why she would lift a $2,500 necklace in the first place? Despite her drug problems, I've not heard of her being in bad financial straits. The linked Hollywood Gossip story predicted yesterday: "Knowing Lindsay . . . she'll claim she wore [the necklace] out of the story 'by accident.'"
Well, it turns out that wasn't too far off. The very latest in this story has TMZ further reporting Lohan's purported "side of the story" (last link at bottom). Lohan claims she merely "borrowed" the necklace, and she's trying to blame a stylist for "forgetting to return it on time."
That seems fairly flimsy to me, since if the necklace had been merely "loaned" to Lohan, then why is the owner of the store all gung-ho about prosecuting? If that's Lohan's story and she's sticking to it, methinks she better gear up to give her best acting performance to date in front of the judge (if the "likely" charges are filed, of course).