Good riddance to the outgoing Creature of the House. She had a chance to be historical. A female Tip O'Neill. A person of respect. Instead she turned out to more like a sorry cross between Eugene Debs and Mrs. Drysdale from old Beverly Hillbillies TV series: One of the most far leftist political figures in American history, but yet not even one of any real convictions in my estimation given the huge tabs she always went around running up during terrible economic times.
Fittingly, her final approval ratings amongst my fellow Independents hovered between 6 and 8 percent. I’m not completely sure whom those 6-8 percent of Independents are, but it just goes to show: Even the most noble of groups always has its tiny little minority of idiots and simpleminded folk. Too bad that the area that Pelosi has always inhabited isn’t such a small minority within the 20-percenter democrat party. Instead, and disastrously, it’s the rather pathetic norm.