Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Guess Awful Presidents Have to Stick Together: George W. Bush Sings Obama’s Praises, Bashes John McCain, in His New Book.

Not that I’m some John McCain fan (I voted for neither McCain nor Obama in the 2008 election, instead voting third party), but I couldn’t help but become positively sick this weekend in reading’s account (link to full story at bottom) of how Bush’s new book ("Decision Points") grinds his petty axe against fellow republican McCain pretty damn deep, while at the same time praising the alleged wonderful “presidential” attributes of one Barack Obama.

I for one wish Bush – whom, along with Obama, I consider to be one of the two absolute worst presidents of my lifetime (and I was alive for Jimmy Carter and part of Nixon) – would just slink back to his Dallas mansion or ranch or wherever the hell he calls home these days and just stay the hell there. I’m not really too interested in hearing his viewpoints about McCain or Obama or much of anything else. Instead, I’d prefer that he just shut the hell up and leave the American people the hell alone. He’s done enough damage.

Bush is an individual whom I’m convinced knowingly lied to us about the pretext to invade a sovereign country (Iraq) that posed little or no security threat to the United States. The cost of Bush dishonestly pursuing his great Neo-Con dream was monumental, and perhaps the country will never recover.

With the huge war price tag, Bush started us down the road of stifling national debt, which Obama has only ratcheted up like the blinded ideologue that he is. And of course, there were the human scars of the myriad dead and wounded American soldiers. They deserved a lot better, but instead they got Bush as their commander-in-chief.

I’ve been harshly criticized in the past by both fellow Independents and republican types for my view that Bush knew full well that there were no WMDs in Iraq. Do I know that with 100% certainty? No. But I do believe it very strongly.

And even if I’m wrong, the alternatives still make Bush an historically rotten president, because either (1) he had no real idea whether or not there were truly WMDs in Iraq but nonetheless used that as the excuse to invade OR (2) even if he actually believed there were WMDs in Iraq, he was still the most grossly negligent president in American history for invading a sovereign country based upon a “fact” that he had so completely and utterly WRONG.

Under any of these scenarios, Bush is one of the most incompetent and destructive presidents in American history. And to any of you far leftist loons who happen to agree with me here – you out-of-touch idiots can go **** yourselves too.

And so I say to W: You’ve done enough damage. Don’t go away writing books or making speeches or spouting your opinions about current politicians. Just go away. Really though. Do all of us Americans a huge favor, Slimeball.