The spat between Obama and Caprio appears to be tied to the fact that former republican senator Lincoln Chafee endorsed Obama in 2008. Chafee, you see, is one of Caprio's opponents in the gubernatorial race. So apparently Obama, as a wink to Chafee's past support, has decided not to endorse Caprio, drawing the democrat's ire this morning.
It also doesn't help that Obama actually has the gall to travel to Rhode Island to fundraise today while, at the same time, refusing to endorse his own party's candidate for governor in that state. That slight -- coupled with the fact that Obama ignored Rhode Island during some recent bad flooding there -- has Caprio absolutely fuming today: "We had one of the worst floods in the history of the United States a few months back and President Obama didn't even do a [Bush-style] flyover of Rhode Island . . . He ignored us and now he's coming into Rhode Island and treating us like an ATM machine." Ouch!
And before the democrat party partisans try to spin today's events as just some local political spat, I note that this story is all over the Net today and that it surely can't be good for a member of Obama's own party to basically accuse the democrat President of the United States of being just another typical slimy politician a mere eight days before a critical congressional midterm election. They say that the only bad publicity is no publicity. Well that old cliche doesn't translate so well into the political world.