But here's the funny thing: There was a time when this type of almost subhuman political behavior would have shocked me. But it doesn't anymore, and particularly not from the democrat party. What I've noticed this election year is a growing mentality from the far left that the ends always justify the means. Put another way, it doesn't matter how slimy or disingenuous or outright fraudulent the tactic might be -- as long as the democrat ultimately wins, that's all that matters.
We've seen this mentality in other instances where dems have been accused of placing fake tea party candidates on the ballot. We've seen it from the directly fraudulent campaign ads of dem politicians like Alan Grayson (whom I actually think could not care less that his ads are fraudulent). We've seen it when the democrat party continued to cling to a senatorial candidate in Connecticut (Richard Blumenthol) even after it was exposed that he repeatedly lied in speeches about having served in Vietnam. We've seen it from senatorial candidates like Robin Carnahan in Missouri, who had the democrats running ads attacking her opponent for voting in the same fashion that Carnahan had previously said she would vote herself if she was in Congress.
Not that I give republicans a pass when it comes to slimy campaign tactics -- but I must say that I also have not witnessed from the republicans this same sort of "win at all costs" mentality that I see from the far left. It's rather frightening, but at the same time not overly shocking, at least not anymore.