Yep, it's official. Wish I could say the same for Soros' disingenuous proclamation today that he's not funding the democrat party this election cycle because he "can't stop an avalanche." Yeah, like I believe for one second that his cash stream to the democrat party has been cut off or dried up, especially as Obama & The Dems complain roundly about campaign funding deficiencies allegedly created by unfounded, McCarthy-esque accusations of illegal foreign money pouring into the Chamber of Commerce. Prove It Isn't True, Says the Obama Administration! (...In true Joe "Have You No Shame" McCarthy form -- hardly a surprise from the same party who tries to convince us on a daily basis that there's a racist under every American bed).
10/12/10 Update: Politico.com reports that White House press secretary Robert Gibbs today "said 'it doesn’t bother me at all' that the fact-checking site PolitiFact has debunked the White House's claim that the Chamber uses foreign donations to fund its political attacks." And why would it bother them? The facts only get in the way when you're an administration more devoted to Nixonian and McCarthy-inspired tactics than to actually ever acting with any common decency.