Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kansas City Grandpa Packs More Than Geritol, Goes Dirty Harry, and Greets Would-Be Robbers at Front Door With .357 Magnum!

For anyone who's read this space from time to time, you'll know that I rarely talk about the Second Amendment -- it's just not one of my big issues. But I do fully support that part of our Bill of Rights, which I believe protects, at the very least, our right to own and possess firearms for use in self defense and third-party defense in our own homes against all the scuzbuckets out there who would love nothing better than to break, enter, steal, rape, maim and kill therein. And so it is tonight that I saw this story out of my hometown of Kansas City about the gun-toting Grandpa who sent two sleazewad robbers scurrying away with their cowardly tails between their legs (link to full story at bottom from my local KCTV-5's website).

This story begins with grandson Travis Keller heading into a local QuikTrip convenience store one night about a week ago for a chocolate bar and a pop (I call it soda, but I'm using the local vernacular). He made the mistake of paying for said items with a C-note. Likely receiving something like $97 back in change, Keller quickly drew the attention of a couple of sloths in the QT, whom Keller says attacked him outside for the dough. And they beat they holy hell out him too.

Just to add a little slimeball insult to injury, Keller says these two creeps hid in a ditch like the sub-human turds that they are, and emerged to again acost Keller as he struggled to try to walk home. Keller says they wanted inside his home and ordered him to take them there. But these two scums weren't expecting the likes of Grandpa Gordon Douglas!

Arriving at his front porch with the two crumballs, Keller made a polite little knock on the door, knowing that Granddaddy never answers the front door after dark anything less than fully tooled up!!! When these two jackwagon criminals got a load of the sight of Grandpappy at the door sportin' a .357 Magnum, those two slimes made a beeline for the hills faster than a couple of rats in the LA sewer system! (BTW, no arrests yet in these incidents, but I have a feeling arrests are not far off.)

I gotta say, this Grandpa is a real man, and certainly a man after my own heart. His words after the incident: "I'm very protective of my family. I don't get in anybody's business. I don't bother anybody, but if they come to my house where my family's at, come in my house -- they are very fortunate that they left alive."

Nice! Legendary pro wrestler and all-around tough guy Arn Anderson had a similar way of putting the same sentiment. 2B-A would always say back in the day, "When you mess around with family, it gets real personal real fast." Words to live by.

As a final salvo, I will leave you with Grandpa Gordon's wonderful last words from this story, as he talks about his beloved .357 Magnum and its complete usefulness for the purpose for which he intends it: "It's 158 grain, and it'll stop you with one."