And at least as to the female owner of the Shirley Joyce McClellan Day Care Home, it's apparently not just an allegation. The owner reportedly admitted to investigators that she beat the kids with said riding crop. Not only that, she reportedly told them that if the kids starting acting up in the same way in the future, she'd do it all over again!
But get this: The owner also admitted to pounding the kids with the proverbial "back of her hand," as well as with a stick. I would say that this woman leaves no stone or potential bludgeoning device unturned, but alas there are many ways in which she could always try to up her arsenal if she desired to do so. But apparently she doesn't have any buggy whips, fly whisks, railroad spikes, rifle butts, two-by-fours, yardsticks, beanpoles, tire irons, walking canes or tree switches at her disposal right at the moment.