Friday, July 23, 2010

Who Are We Independents, Chopped Liver Over Here?

How does top its main page today with an article entitled, "The Age of Rage," which focuses solely on left versus right partisan rage in the blogosphere, media and political world? There's plenty of non-liberal, non-conservative Independent Rage as well. Just look at the above title of this blog, stupid.

We saw the Independent Rage manifest itself most loudly during last August's string of townhall meetings across the country. With the August congressional recess, hopefully we can have another August of Discontent this year.

And indeed, it's Independent Rage that should have the democrat party very scared when it comes to the November midterm elections. Independents decide elections and have been leaving the democrat party in droves over the past year. And nothing motivates people (including Independents) to get out to vote more than anger. Put another, Independents ain't gonna be stayin' home in November!