Sunday, July 25, 2010

Is the Obama White House "Racist" Too? Dems Can't Have It Both Ways. At Least Not in the Eyes of Independents.

Today comes the allegation from loony left-winger Howard Dean that Fox News is "racist" because its commentators started condemning Shirley Sherrod for her March NAACP speech without first listening to the entire speech (link to story at bottom).

The only problem here (leaving aside the ugliness of yet another blanket and mindless "racism" blast from the dems towards anyone or anything that disagrees with them or poses a perceived threat to their iron grip on power in DC)? Well, the problem is that Obama and his White House engaged in the very same conduct that Dean is labeling as "racist" by Fox News! The Obama administration also condemned Sherrod and fired her before bothering to watch the entire tape of her speech -- just like Fox News.

So does that make Obama and his White House racist as well as Fox News? Sorry dems, you just can't have it both ways. I know you like to try to have your cake and eat it too all the time, but that crap doesn't fly with us Independents. We condemn it. So which is it? Are they both racist, or is neither racist? I'm waiting over here. (And I'm sure I'll be waiting be for a long time).