Monday, July 26, 2010

Episode 8 Tonight of "You're Cut Off" on VH1:
In the Season Finale, It's Graduation Day!

Nutshell Synopsis: It’s the final episode of the first season of You’re Cut Off, meaning Graduation Day, as the spoiled rotten little brats find out whether each has done enough to “graduate” from the show. Graduating is necessary for each lady’s benefactors to even consider taking her back and reinstituting her access to cash.

Segment 1: It's morning during Week 8 at the ladies' house. The girls are very excited that this is the last week of the series and that they soon (hopefully) will be able to go back home. They still have to do this week’s household chores, and Jackie (who previously mopped a refrigerator) is seen running the vacuum on top of the living room furniture and using a broom to sweep the top of the backyard furniture. Gia is reverting to bad girl mode and refusing to clean the toilets and bickering with fellow bad girl Erica over the situation. Jessica would normally be in the middle of this too, but she says she’s trying to stay out of the drama this week because she wants to graduate.

Then a note arrives from program moderator Laura Baron: The ladies have received a bunch of party decorations and they learn that today (as part of graduation) they will be throwing a party for their family members. Courtnee (last week's very deserving "Very Improved Princess," or VIP) is told to use the enclosed $500 and to pick 3 girls to take shopping for the party. Amber, Jessica and Jackie are chosen to go with Courtnee to the grocery store, while the others are tasked with starting to work on decorating for the party.

While at first I thought it was a huge mistake by Courtnee to not split up arch-enemies Erica and Gia between the decorating and grocery shoppping, Erica and Gia (along with Leanne) are actually getting along and having fun working on decorating together! Talk about SHOCK! Meantime Pam has gone to bed and is not helping with the decorating at all. After a couple of hours of this, Leanne marches in to get Pam out of bed. But she stays in bed, and the decorating moves outside. Gia gives her opinion on how the outside decorations are looking: “This looks like a prostitute’s wedding. This looks like it could possibly be Pam’s wedding one day.”

At the Fields Market grocery store: Jackie says the ladies want to put some time and effort into the food for the party rather than just buying a platter of food and throwing it on the table. Back at the house, Erica and Gia are miraculously still getting along. The grocery crew arrives back home and finds a lot of the decorating already done, and they are very impressed. Most of the ladies start in on getting all of the food ready for the party. Even Gia, who hates cooking (and yet owns a restaurant!), pitches in. On the menu: Cupcakes, Chicken Parmesan, Sausage and Peppers and Guacamole Dip. Gia’s lack of cooking aptitude is on display as she apparently doesn’t realize that the oven must first be turned on before anything will bake inside of it!

Jackie observes that it’s incredible how well all the ladies are working together to get this meal done in the time crunch of two hours. All of the ladies, except for Pam, that is. She’s off doing her hair. Jessica goes off to confront Pam. Something’s really gotten into Pam this week, as she’s never acted like this before. Pam tells Jess: “I don’t work for anybody. When I’m finished, I’ll come. I’m not 10 years old” (I like to use that line myself!). “Why today, Pam?!”, blasts Jessica. Pam explains her motive: She feels that she’s been cleaning up and working hard for 2 months, and that today it’s most important for her to look good for her benefactors. Thus, the extra beauty sleep and extra time on her hair. Jess, who has the worst temper in the house, suddenly loses it, calling Pam a "bitch" and then trashing Pam’s made bed.

Segment 2: Following the bed incident, Pam comments off camera about Jess: “I can’t believe 8 weeks later, Jessica is still pissed off. Just put a sausage in your mouth. That girl went from a mad Chihuahua to, like, a nasty troll.” Pam goes and messes up Jess’ bed a little bit too.

Laura Baron is then shown coming to the house to meet with the ladies and to discuss their fate in this program (this meeting is clearly presented out-of-sequence on tonight's show, as it actually occurred the day before the graduation). Laura tells the ladies that ultimately it’s not up to her to decide if they get to return home with restored cash flows, but rather it will be up to their family members (AKA benefactors). This is apparently news to the ladies, as they thought Laura would make the ultimate decision whether they would remain “cut off.” The thought of the family members deciding things really scares the ladies, especially Gia and Jessica.

Laura also says the ladies have one last project: To write a letter to their benefactors pleading their case as to why they should get to return home and not continue to be “cut off." The letters will be read at graduation. The ladies are then shown working on their letters the day before graduation, while Laura is simultaneously meeting with the ladies’ benefactors to discuss how each did on the show and whether they should remain “cut off.” First up to meet with Laura are the parents of Leanne, whose old man admits that a part of Leanne’s problem has been that he’s never been able to say “no” to her.

Next up are Courtnee’s parents. Laura encourages them to keep Courtnee cut off and to NOT take her back in (rather make her get out on her own), appearing to observe (as best as I can try to interpret Laura's comments) that Courtnee has a lot of motivation to pursue accomplishments, but that restoring her ATM machine (her old man) threatens to sap that motivation. The parents seem very hesitant to accept this recommendation.

Amber is next. About her letter, she says, “I hate writing!” (to a dude like me, that’s like saying that you hate breathing, but I digress). Laura tells Amber's parents that Amber could use to focus on a specific passion -- she needs an outside passion beyond shopping. Laura wants them to encourage Amber to live on her own, but the parents seem reluctant.

In contrast, concerning the letter writing, Jackie is writing a mile a minute, and she says she’s excited to tell her parents about all the things she’s learned on the series. Jackie’s mom is next to meet with Laura Baron. Laura appears to give the same recommendation again: That Jackie remain cut off.

Jessica is shown writing her letter, and the words “since Daddy passed” can be seen on her letter (it was revealed earlier in the series that the passing of Jess' dad was a very traumatic event for her). She says that she’s trying to express that she will never again take her mom for granted and that she’s sorry for how she’s acted in the past. Then it’s Laura Baron's time with Jessica’s mom. OMG! So far all the parents have looked nothing like their kids, but Jessica’s mom looks almost identical to Jessica! Laura tells the mom that Jessica has somewhat of a mindset of entitlement (ya think!).

Next on tap, Gia is writing her letter to her husband: She says there’s a lot of remorse she wants to express, and she wants to be nice, but this is not easy for her, because it’s obvious she still has anger about her husband shipping her off to this show (meaning 8 weeks without seeing him or her baby daughter. Jolena). “There’s a lot of things he owes me,” she says. Then Gia’s husband meets with Laura Baron. He says that part of her problem is that from Day 1, he’s always very much spoiled her rotten. It’s revealed that he will be setting very specific terms upon her returning home. These will involve not pushing him around, doing more work around the house, and doing more things with their daughter.

Pam is writing a letter to her parents and her brother. Those same folks then meet with Laura. They discuss how Pam is hard-headed and won’t do what she doesn’t want to do. They agree it’s all about “setting restrictions” with her.

Erica Rose excuses herself to her room so that she can write her letter in private, saying that she wants it to be perfect so that her mom will take her back. Erica’s mama is next up to meet with Laura. Erica is one gal on the show who comes from “old money,” making it likely that she has 2 parents that act a lot like her! And sure enough, the old lady and Laura clash almost from the start. Laura: “Do you find that Erica often concentrates more on the superficial?” Mom: “Oh no, she’s not superficial at all -- So you think that she should not care about, like, her hygenics on the outside, like, being clean and orderly and having cleaning hair, or what?”

Truth be told, Erica’s mom on first blush is almost as arrogant and superficial as Erica herself! They act almost alike! There was earlier indication on the series that it was actually Erica’s old man (a plastic surgeon) who relegated her to this show, and it seems obvious that the old lady was likely not onboard with that decision. So my question: Why the hell is he not here instead of the old lady?!

Anyway, Erica's old lady and Laura Baron do agree on one thing -- that Erica places a bit too much emphasis on her appearance all the time (NOOOO!). “Otherwise, you can’t radiate like you’re supposed to, to the universe,” comments Erica’s mom. My further question: What universe was it, precisely, that this loony bird was born in? Erica's mama is truly "out there." So at any rate, Laura Baron says she’s hesitant to graduate Erica from this series, and the old lady in response spouts your typical Erica-style, condescending, “OK”.

Segment 3: Time for the Graduation Party! We flash forward to the day of the graduation party. Apparently with the party eats having been cooked, the ladies are getting ready to meet their benefactors after 8 weeks away from them. The benefactors arrive and have a word with Laura before the ladies are brought out. As the ladies strut out, Erica observes: “OK, I see my mom, and she looks beautiful -- I definitely have the hottest mom here.” Here’s the thing: She’s probably right, but that’s not saying very much. I didn’t see a truly HOT mama amongst the whole bunch, including Erica’s old lady. Fairly surprising.

Quickly it becomes time for the benefactors to confront the ladies, face-to-face, and one by one. This process involves the ladies reading their letters to the benefactor(s), followed by the benefactor(s)' reaction, coupled with any conditions that the benefactor(s) might want to place upon the lady returning and/or being restored to cash access.

First up is Jessica and her look-alike mom: Mama is a bit choked up by Jessica’s heartfelt letter, but she’s also carrying a clipboard, which can’t be good news for Jess. Sure enough, mama has some conditions for Jess’ return home. Mama says: You have 2 months to find a job, you’ll do your own laundry, and I’ll pay only for your essentials, which means no paying for tanning and other things like psychics. Jess’ bad temper starts to flare up: “I think you’re going a little overboard with the tanning. I think tanning will help me get a job.” Laura Baron interjects herself: "Will you accept those terms?", she asks. Very hesitantly, Jess accepts the terms and shakes hands with mama (telling her, “don’t shake my arm fast”). Laura informs Jess that she’s graduated, and finally she and mama exchange a hug.

Courtnee comes next: Her letter is quite sweet, but her old man has some conditions for her: Within one month, she must determine where she wants to live -- NY, LA or (at home in) Atlanta, and she must be willing to relocate within that time (to the extent that NY or LA are chosen). Her Mama: "You can make this journey on your own. It’s time to start paying your phone bills and your other bills -- we want you to start this whole new chapter in your life, and we love you." Courtnee has this huge, gorgeous smile on her face as she hears all of this stuff. Courtnee accepts these conditions and graduates the program. “Oh, I love you guys!” she then cries and embraces her parents. If you've read my accounts of this series, you'll know that I have always viewed Courtnee as the true sweetie of this show, and she's acting the same way tonight as she’s always acted! Best of luck in the future to my favorite Cut Off gal, Courtnee!

Segment 4: Leanne is next: Her parents tell her they want her to go back to school and finish her nursing degree. And she also has to get rid of her 16 credit cards and only have 1, and she'll also have a $500 spending limit per month. “Oh My God,” comments Erica from the sidelines on that particular restriction! But Leanne quite gladly accepts these terms and graduates the program.

Then it's Amber's turn. Her parents' conditions: She has one year to move out and get her own place. Amber accepts the terms and graduates. (Similar to Courtnee, Amber has always been a true sweetie during this show. I believe Amber and Courtnee are both from the ATL, and I hope going forward they will remain friends and be there for each other as support in their lives going forward).

Girl-next-door-in-appearance-only, and suspected prostitute (although I think that allegation is all-the-way false), Pam, is next up: Her family's conditions -- The old man says she’s still cut off financially but can return home. Pam accepts and graduates. She seems happy to be reunited with her family.

Then bad girl Erica Rose steps up to the plate: First, and to her credit, her letter admits that she still needs to work on obsessing less over her appearance. But in response, Erica’s "old money" mama then launches into an incredibly weird-ass diatribe, which garners only wholesale eye-rolling from both Erica's fellow ladies as well as many of the ladies' parents! Says Erica's old lady: “Erica, you’re a beautiful Rose [their last name]. You’re so fragrant and so precious just the way you are, that you don’t need external things to make you happy. And I want you to always remember that a Rose has deep roots -- roots that go to law school, roots that go into the earth and that walk on the ground. Think about the beauty in the world, your fragrance, and what you can offer it, and I know that you really have that beautiful heart.” OK, VERY WEIRD STUFF right there! Methinks mama's been watching too many Kung Fu episodes while standing on her head or something.

And then: Erica's mama's conditions on Erica's return seem very soft as compared with all of the other parents and benefactors: She tells Erica that she needs to put the dishes away if Erica's cooking, and that she needs to put her shoes away after wearing them, and finally that she needs to hang up her clothes after wearing them. Good Grief! Talk about drivin' a hard bargain over there! Erica obviously readily accepts those conditions and graduates.

Segment 5: Jackie is next up: Her mom's conditions: She needs to move out and be on her own and pay her own bills. She accepts and graduates. “I think it’s time,” she says. Off camera, she comments: “I’ve never paid a bill in my life, so I don’t know how it’s going to work out. But with everything I’ve learned here, I honestly believe enough in myself, that I think I can do it.” Good for her, and I hope all things work out for her for the best.

Last but not least, the Notorious Bad Girl Gia Must Face Her Benefactor: Her letter to her hubbie is funny in that she makes fun of him for only having sex with her twice a month, and she suggests they start doin' it twice a day. Right there, I think I may know the source of some of Gia’s ongoing issues: What man in his right mind would only have sex with someone who looks like her twice a month? Talk about a sick man. So anyway, hubbie lays down his conditions for the Bad Girl's return: She needs to start putting more effort into taking care of their baby daughter; she needs to start cooking some meals in their house; she needs to start making their bed in the morning; she needs to start doing the family's laundry; and, finally, there will be no more housekeeper at their home (to that last condition, Gia spouts: “Are you serious?!?”).

Laura asks Gia whether she can accept these conditions, and OMG! -- Gia says that she does not accept these terms, even if it means she's the only gal who will not graduate!

Segment 6: Gia's hubbie reinforces that he’s serious on these terms. At first, Gia tries to haggle with him on the terms, but he’s having none of that. When it’s clear she has no other choice, she accepts the terms. She then seems to be genuinely very happy to be reunited with her husband. I think her initial hesitance in accepting the terms was largely just a play to see if he would back down a bit, and when it was clear he wouldn’t, she really had no problem accepting the terms. Bad girl Gia, for all her attitude and hangups (a lot of which likely still remain), really has grown a lot during the course of this series and is a lot more open-minded to change and to be being a better person -- I’m convinced of that. And I wish her well too!

End of episode on-screen notes about what the ladies have done since the end of the series (this stuff reminds me of the close credits of the motion picture American Graffiti -- the only thing missing was the song, "All Summer Long" by the Beach Boys):

Courtnee: Hasn’t yet moved out of her parents' house, but has cut back on spending by shopping for designer labels at discount stores. My position's been clear: Courtnee is the ONE gal from this show that an average dude in middle America could see himself actually getting to know and liking in real life! She's a natural born sweetie, and I hope that she only finds true happiness in her future endeavors.

Jackie: She has curbed her spending and is saving money so that she can live on her own. She has cut her weekly mall trips from 4 to 1. Progress, Jackie!

Erica: She (rather sadly, frankly) has had 3 plastic surgery procedures since leaving the house. She now prefers to drink boxed wine (as they learned how to do on Episode 1). I always said, Erica was the hottest gal on this show, with Courtnee being #2. And I've always thought, a lot of Erica's act is just that -- an act. I wish her well in her whole law school endeavor and life in the future.

Gia: She's spending more time with her daughter and has even started changing her diapers (but always while wearing latex gloves!). Hubbie has apparently relaxed on his terms and conditions for her (big surprise!), although they are having more sex!

Pam: Has moved into a cheaper apartment than her former Manhattan high-ender, and now she takes cabs instead of limos. It’s a rather mundane lifestyle (in her words, “main-doon”), but she’s adapting well!

Jessica: Has had trouble landing a job, but she’s volunteering to work at a cancer unit. She’s given up tanning beds and has switched to spray tans (another inside reference to one of the shows earlier episodes).

Amber: Has dedicated herself to getting the education to become a teacher. Me: I think she certainly has the sweet disposition to be a great teacher, but she needs to overcome her “hatred” of writing! ;) And for the time being, Amber has a new job doing -- what else -- selling diamonds!

Leanne: Is working on finishing her nursing degree, but reportedly used up her first month’s $500 stipend in less than 24 hours! (OK, so she’s Working On It!).

A final observation: From the way these gals carried on during the Graduation Party, it’s very clear that all of the bickering and feuding has been largely placed behind them. These are 8 gals who came into this show in a pretty pathetic state of affairs, but I think they all grew a fair amount through this show’s process, and I think they have mostly become 8 gals closely tied together by what they went through on this series. Look no further than how well bad girls Erica and Gia got along most of this last episode. All of these formerly spoiled rotten brats are better off for going through this show, which is only a good thing for all of them. I personally wish them all the best in all of their future endeavors!