Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wow! Dems Actually Crafting a Message Designed to Appeal to Mainstream American Opinion?! That's a First in a Long Time.

Today's contains a rather startling story (linked at bottom) that reports that democrat party operatives are crafting a immigration reform message that will be pushed by dems, although likely not until 2011. The message, which would be utilized as a part of trying to pass comprehensive immigration reform in Congress, would consist of an "enforcement-first, law-and-order, limited compassion pitch" that would eschew a focus on providing a "path to citizenship" in favor of focusing on "getting right with the law" -- meaning "obey our laws, learn our language and pay our taxes." Heck, the message would even drop the use of the silly liberal phrase, "undocumented workers."

First of all, when dems on a widespread basis actually start spouting this type of message, then I'll believe it. I find it very hard to believe that the far left-wingers who control the dem party would ever stand still for such a message. But, at least in theory, I like what I'm hearing and may indeed be very interested if the message is coupled with the necessary dual focus upon securing the border. If dems are actually smart enough to push such dually-focused legislation in the next few years, they will have the support of most Independents, and all of the obligatory "amnesty" blasts in the world from the far right won't be able to stop the legislation. But like I said: I'll believe it when I see it.