Friday, June 18, 2010

Say It Ain't So, Spaghetti O!

Today brings word of a massive recall of Campbell's Spaghetti O's. This, BTW, is one of my favorite foods. While Spaghetti O's really have no redeeming nutritional value, they are low fat, not to mention inexpensive, tasty and quick to prepare. But alas, they're only low fat if you consume the type without those disgusting little meatballs (Lord only knows what's in those things), otherwise known as "Original" flavor (see the pictured can).

And sure enough, today's recall only applies to Spaghetti O's containing meatballs. Even more specifically, if your can contains meatballs, has "EST 4K" stamped on it, and has a use-by date between June 2010 and December 2011, then it has been recalled. Reportedly, the recall resulted from fears that the meatballs in such cans may have been undercooked in Texas (I've heard of plenty 'a half-baked stuff comin' outta Texas, but this is ridiculous!).

As for the 8-10 cans of Spaghetti O's that I have in my pantry? Safe! Like I said, I don't eat the kind with meatballs. And please give me an ounce of credit over here for not using an obvious and mindless "Uh Oh Spaghetti O" headline for this blog post like every other article and blog today has been using (see, e.g., the link below).