Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United Texas Conference of America (aka the Big 12). NOT!

Published reports this weekend are claiming that the University of Missouri and University of Nebraska have been given a Friday ultimatum to either say a "pledge of allegiance" to the Texas Conference (errrrr, Big 12) and disavow any possible interest in joining the Big 10 conference, or else risk Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Colorado bolting for the Pac 10 conference (link at bottom).

Well, if this ultimatum is true, here's what Missouri and Nebraska should say to Texas and the others in no uncertain terms: Take Your Little Ultimatum and Go F*ck Yourselves! (Perhaps relaying the message a bit more diplomatically, however). Missouri and Nebraska have every right to listen to any interest that the Big 10 has expressed or is expressing, just like any of those other schools would do if they thought that a conference jump could well be in their best interests. And as for those six teams jumping to the Pac 10, I smell as much bluff as I do legitimate threat.

Is telling them to F-Off a definite risk for Missouri (frankly, I don't give a rat's behind about Nebraska)? Certainly is. But I think the risk is worth it: No way should Missouri lay down for letting those other schools dictate ultimatums that would foreclose Missouri from rightfully looking into scenarios (such as a jump to the Big 10) that might well in the best long-term interests of Missouri. In short, Missouri should worry about Missouri first and foremost. Texas, Oklahoma and the rest of them can take their ball and go rot in a Texas $hithouse somewhere for all I care.