Friday, May 14, 2010

Get a Load of This Loony Lineup Topping Tonight's! Here's a Question: Who's the Biggest Nut of This Bunch?

Politico's story (linked at bottom) concerns how Sarah "Sister Sledgehammer" Palin (Politico's nickname) is targeting a number of female and male dems nationwide for defeat in the 2010 House and Senate elections (with her primary focus on the House). So what about my question -- The Biggest Nut of this Bunch?

Actually, I don't know a great deal about the three pictured dems (pictured above from left are dem House members Betsy Markey of Colorado and Debbie Halvorson of Illinois, followed by Palin obviously and then Missouri's dem Secretaty of State Robin Carnahan, who's running for U.S. Senate) -- Carnahan is the only one of the three dems whom I've even heard of before. As a result of my ignorance, My Biggest Nut in the Bunch prize will have to go to Palin.

Make no mistake, nothing I've sporadically seen or heard from Carnahan has ever impressed me, and the odds are that Markey & Halvorson are, at a minimum, your typical garden variety lock-step DC liberals or, at a maximum, part of the hateful, leftist progressive movement that controls the dem party. But since Palin is the only one of this motley crew with whom I'm overly familiar, she gets my vote for biggest nut.

And it's a well-deserved honor. Over the last year-and-a-half, without the reins of the McCain campaign muzzling her, Palin in my view has become an increasingly nutty, zany, high-pitched, cartoon character of a deranged right-winger, and most certainly not someone for whom I could ever vote for president. Sorry, tea partiers, but she is simply not presidential material: I've recently been prone to calling Obama's behavior non-presidential, and so you can see that I have absolutely no problem calling it both ways. Now, I still very much respect Palin's (1) hot appearance, (2) smalltown background, (3) over-the-top ability to reduce the progressives' playbook to first-grade-style playground insults, and (4) shrewd ability to become rich off her own name. That's Stuff's America, Baby! But I could never vote for her, as expressed.

And a final comment: I didn't much care for Palin's rant yesterday warning republicans not to move to the center to try to win the Independents, because (she says) the Independents will move to the conservatives if only conservatives strictly adhere to their doctrinaire, totem-pole ideology. Sorry Sarah: While many of us Independents may vote republican at the federal level in November in order to restore a much needed measure of power balance to DC, we ain't lining up to join your party or your ilk anytime soon! I think Aerosmith said it best on this front: DREAM ON!