Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Soon-To-Be New King of Tweet --
Hugo Chavez?

Methinks Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez is about to have a few more "followers" than just Danny Glover and Sean Penn. It's being reported today (link below) that Chavez is about to join Twitter. Says Chavez: "I'm going to have my online trench from the palace to wage the battle." And he's not just joining -- "he wants to dominate it," says CNN. One of Chavez' Venezuelan media henchmen is quoted as saying, "I'm sure he'll break records for number of followers."

And I think that dude's probably correct. Chavez is likely to have tons of "followers" on Twitter, if for no other reason than the curiosity factor and entertainment value. Heck, there's a good chance I'll add him. I think an occasional anti-American rant from Chavez on Twitter has the potential to be highly entertaining, as I've found many of his past rants. I just ask that he not bore me, because then I'll drop him faster than toilet paper in a Mississippi $hithouse. For example, if he becomes one of those people who likes to tweet constantly about the most mundane details of their day, then I'm done. You can feel free to offend me, but never, ever bore me.
