Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Karl Rove Claiming He & Bush Really Thought There Were WMD's in Iraq. Well, I'm Claiming: He's a Liar.

It's known in certain circles as the "collective facts" doctrine. Meaning, based on everything I've read in recent years, I have little doubt that Bush, Cheney and Rove either knew full well there were no WMD's in Iraq, or at best had no freakin' idea whether there were WMD's in Iraq, but then used the allegation that there were WMD's in Iraq as the pretense to invade a sovereign country, at massive loss of American boys' lives, and pursued that course to try to advance their Neo-Con agenda of spreading American power (they call it "spreading democracy") throughout the world. (BTW, how's that for a bona fide run-on sentence?).

Folks, I'm sorry if you disagree, but I really believe this: As much as I think Obama & The Dems, and the radical left progressive powerbrokers who control them, are Scary for this country, W & His Minions were equally Scary. Alas, what in the hell did we do as average American citizens to deserve such assclowns running things back-to-back? The answer: Nothing. And we should insist upon so much better from our presidents and from our ruling parties.
