Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Obama Rejects Cries of 'Socialism'." Me: I Wouldn't Call Him a Socialist, Per Se -- But Same Difference?

It's very entertaining to observe the far left and far right and how they spend so much of their every day trying to toss labels and insults at the other side, while at the same time spending just as much time trying to defend against the same mindless little labels and insults foisted upon them by the opposite side. I just laugh. (And they think I'm the uneducated, ignorant and infirm one over here since I'm an Independent! -- but I digress).

In the history of this blog, as much as I have been so often critical of Obama and his world view and policies, I think there was only one time when I, in a fit of rage about something I'd heard that Obama wanted to advance, labeled the idea as "socialist". (I believe my blog headline was something like, "Goodbye America, Hello Socialism" (a take-off on the old song, "Goodbye My Darlin', Hello Vietnam," which runs over the opening credits of the movie "Full Metal Jacket")). And sure enough, the left (including my annoying little left friend Draconem -- that dude is always gettin' me mad!) crawled right out of the woodwork to decry such a moniker being placed at Obama's feet.

And for the record: I would not call Obama a "socialist," because I don't think his world view fits the letter of that term. That term commonly connotes a philosophy of the government taking over most all or all of the means and modes of production of a particular country and society. I wouldn't accuse Obama and all of his radical-leftist-progressive friends of wanting to go quite that far. But they damn sure want to "take advantage of a good crisis" (Obama right-hand-man Rahm Emanuel's words) in order to try to grow the scale of the federal government just as far and as big as they can ram-rod through the house and senate and right down our throats.

Anyone believing anything else is a fool. You know what really gets my goat about the far left and far right? They will always deny that which is obvious that they want to accomplish, such as that which I just stated above concerning the progressive agenda to increase the size of the federal government in our everyday lives just as big and huge as they can force it. Hey Radicals!: If any of you goofs would EVER, JUST FOR ONCE, ADMIT the truth concerning the goals that you seek to accomplish, I would actually give you freaks an ounce of respect for just being honest for a change! But that'll never happen (them being honest, that is)!