Sunday, February 21, 2010

Colin Powell Blames the Dumb American People for Obama's Woes This Weekend.

Multiple-time political turncoat Colin Powell indicates this weekend that we're not capable of "getting" everything that Obama's been trying to do, spouting: "I'm afraid he (Obama) put too much on the plate for the American people to absorb at one time."

Sorry, General, but I would beg to differ. Not only are the American people perfectly capable of understanding the policies and initiatives that Obama has been pushing, we have understood and "absorbed" them just fine. And that's why your man's poll numbers have been in the tank, and it's why Independents have been running away from him faster than you run to a new party every 10 years or so. Or you can just blame it on a "dumb America" that supposedly needs your current party to think for it and take care of it. Whatever floats your boat, turncoat.