Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Top 10 Actual Threats & Sophomoric Insults That Radical Progressives Are Hurling Towards Any Dem Who Voted Against the Pelosi Health Care Bill...

...As extracted from the below-linked story:

10. The dems who voted against this bill lack "self-confidence."

9. "This is the last straw with you."

8. "You're deceptive; You're a slap in the face."

7. They "emanate weakness."

6. They are "weak sauce."

5. "You're a traitor."

4. We're announcing ad campaigns to "target" you now in your district.

3. Give us back the money we previously donated to you.

2. "There will be a price extracted from you" / They will "pay a real price if they continue to take this position."

1. We will "beat them up in their district."

Such tolerance of opposing viewpoints! The real "big tent" party! Doesn't it make you want to run right out there and join the dems? Not. (And yes, for the record, the repubs are little different in this regard).